So I just gave a speech to my school...

Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California
It's called a "freshman talk" and I had to give a speech on something really close to me. So I did it on music and guitar. I mentioned Mike in there, and Will I had to change up the whole way I found out. Please tell me what you think of it. I know there are grammatical errors but I forgot to change it...

It was April, 2001 when I moved into my new house. Before I went into the garage, I saw a trailer loaded with a bunch of junk. There was something that stood out in the trailer. It was a big black case that held an acoustic guitar. I asked my dad who guitar belonged to and he said it was my mom’s. My mom had this acoustic guitar since she was 13. I took it upstairs and just like any kid who has no idea how to play guitar, I kept strumming the strings randomly. I loved it and decided to I wanted to excel in it. I decided during the summer that I would take lessons, but for some reason they stopped. Just because the lessons stopped didn’t mean that I stopped playing. I started to teach myself and caught on to it after a while. This was the start of my passion for music and playing guitar.
Ever since my hand hit those strings there hasn’t been a day that has gone by without playing guitar. My guitar and has always been there for me. Through the good times and the bad, even the boring ones as well, and in the end my guitar has always made me happy. There have been times in the past that stopped me from playing guitar. As you all know, just recently I had shoulder surgery. It was not fun at all because my shoulder kept me from doing everything that I have done before the surgery, such as playing guitar. It was a hard period of time to get by because my guitar is what helps me relieve stress. I managed to do what I was supposed to and when I was able to hit those strings again for the first time in three months I became the happiest guy alive. Now I am back to playing guitar and it has made life a lot easier. Another time my guitar helped me was just two weeks ago. Wednesday May 9th, 2007 I got a call from my friend Will who lives in New Jersey. It was surprising to hear from Will because normally I only talk to him on AIM. He called me and said that his best friend, who is also my good friend, Mike, had committed suicide. Right then and there I fell into complete shock. Right after I got off the phone with Will I went upstairs and I picked up my acoustic guitar and made a song that was dedicated to Mike. I never realized how close I was with Mike. We talked every night and we talked about everything. I would play Xbox Live with him and got to have some pretty funny moments with him. It’s still a hard time for me to get through, because death isn’t an easy thing to get by. But with the support of people and most definitely with the guitar on my side, I feel like I can have a good recovery of this devastating occurrence.
Along with playing guitar, music is another passion of mine. I am open to all kinds of music, but the one genre I love, as most of you know, is metal. It is a type of music that many people will not understand why people like it, and I’m fine with that. To one person metal can be a genre that is a matter of just screaming and not understanding what they’re saying. To another person, like me, it is something you can relate to depending on your mood and interests. Because of this there aren’t that many times where I can listen to my music with other people without them complaining. For the most part I am alright with this because it opened me up to listening to many other different types of music that other people like. This got me to appreciate all the different types of music. It was now understandable for why people enjoy playing, writing, and listening to the music they are into. Music has affected my life in many different ways, as it continues to do so everyday. It is one of the best ways to relate or express your feelings to. With my guitar and music by my side I know that I will go far in life. Thank you.
Nice job. You could have went further into detail about how playing and writing the song helped you with the Mike situation. It just seemed that it ended abruptly and you went on to the next part. Other than that, it was good!