So, I just took this stupid sex test thing.....

There's a theory that a Roman soldier from the European areas raped Mary, and thusly they covered it by calling Jesus' birth a virgin birth, and also why he has been depicted with blonde hair. A more offensive reason than just the euro-centro interpretation of a messiah.
You're right, it's not possible for Jesus to have been blonde, because a male cannot be blonde. A male can only be blond, you fools.
Guerrilla said:
Kate Beckinsale wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole even if her life depended on it fuckface.

I don't really need her to touch me...i just need someone who LOOKS like her to touch me. That'd turn my tassle.
NicodemiX said:
If I had a chance with kate beckinsdale, I would [refer to fretsaflame's signature]!!!!

but then again, I'd do that with most hot chicks.

i would refer to my "wang", looking for the "ok" sign...

lol Nico :lol:
and yes, that is the only smiley i know how to do...