so i saw the SYL video on wow,

wow...I have to pretty much agree...

Saying SYL is not heavy is like saying this is not a Nevermore forum.

They are as heavy as a really heavy thing. I mean come on. Gene Hoglan is their freaking drummer!

Devin Townsend has some screamin vocal chords

but if it's not your cup of tea, whatever

I'd almost classify em in aggro-industrial
unknown said:
wow...I have to pretty much agree...

Saying SYL is not heavy is like saying this is not a Nevermore forum.

They are as heavy as a really heavy thing. I mean come on. Gene Hoglan is their freaking drummer!

Devin Townsend has some screamin vocal chords

but if it's not your cup of tea, whatever

I'd almost classify em in aggro-industrial

is tv static heavy sounding? that's what syl sounds like. gene holgan's talent is wasted in that band. his drumming, in the noise, sounds like construction noises.
Devin Townsend's solo works are some of the best music ever recorded, while SYL is just good, you fucking blasphemers. He doesn't need a damn haircut, thats his trademark. Does it look silly? Yes, but Devin Townsend is not Devin Townsend without it.
I got on this thread late so...

First, to reiterate LoM's point: DIE BLASPHEMER!


Third: Devy does not need a haircut, he's already balding!

Fourth: SYL makes my ears bleed, contruction noises make my ears bleed... , Chuck Schuldiner's "SPIRIIITTT!!! CCRRRUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHHEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!" makes my ears bleed as well. Soilwork makes me want to puncture my eardrums so that I don't have to hear it anymore. Its all fun because metal is fun.

Fifth: This isn't the Devin Townsend forum. Let me direct you there...

You're Welcome

Regards, Nico
PiNkMaGGiT said:
SYL is awesome for what it is: unrestrained anger and emotion. If you don't like it fine, I just don't know how you can sleep at night when you secretly know you're a pussy :D

you hurt my feelings. now i'll have to go to extra therapy sessions. what does "secretly know" mean? you claim to know, so how is it my secret?

nicodemix, the brain morons on this board are way more interesting than on that board
SYL is a fun live band and some of their material is good but I much prefer Devin's solo stuff by a long shot. Ocean Machine especially owns me.
I respect the HELL outta Townsend! SYL is just another one of his psychotic facets. He's very multi-talented.

Besides that, he's a fantastic producer. He has a brilliant mind, and is highly articulate.

You don't have to like SYL, not at all. It's all taste, and that's subjective, but maybe give the Devin Townsend Band a might be more your liking. Too each their own!