So I think I have album artwork

Novembers Paul said:
It kinda reminds me of "South Park" art, where it has a construction paper type texture to it. Very interesting to look at.
i was totally going to say this. the south park part, not the interesting part, as it sucks.

HAHAAA. no, i dig it very much- and the title is titillating in a titactically titful way.
also, i always wondered- does every release on zorn's label HAVE to have the project name in the same vertical fashion on the cover? it's cool, i was just curious if he makes a point of doing that. i'd guess so, since pretty much all of the releases are like so.
yeah, that's what i meant- i noticed some of the other label divisions have different formats, like the radical jewish culture stuff. cool though! it's like you're in a neat-o little club that none of the rest of us can get in and you laugh at us standing outside in the rain.

Milton Babbitt: Occasional Variations
[size=-1]Tzadik is proud to present three world premiere recordings and a critically acclaimed classic by one of the world’s greatest living composers. For almost six decades Milton Babbitt has been pushing the boundaries of contemporary composition creating a unique world of sound, form and color. Here, as one would expect, Babbitt is at his most radical. Two striking string quartets, including the first recording of his challenging sixth quartet performed by a special group organized by new music legend Fred Sherry, are balanced with rare electronic masterpiece Occasional Variations and a virtuosic guitar composition evoking legendary jazzman Eddie Lang. An exciting program of compositional fireworks by one of today’s most acclaimed, yet misunderstood composers. [/size]
When I first heard that you wanted to have a fallen birdhouse on the cover, I thought it was a great idea.

I dunno, my mental image was that of a very detailed and very different birdhouse. I still think it's an awesome idea, I'm just not sure if I like how that rough draft thing looks.

Also (you already though know this though) I don't like the album title. :( I don't think it fits with the rest of the song titles, sort of. I think the song titles are GREAT (especially Marathon and The Manifold Curiosity) and I think the album title doesn't really complement the song titles, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I'm not trying to totally rip on your idea your anything. I'll still be buying the album when it comes out.
Hmmm, I sort of agree with Firedwarf.

HOWEVER...satan himself isn't gonna stop me from getting to the sweet, chewy center of the packaging...namely, the music. :p
Static, I'm glad we disagree. I like the title/cover even more now.

Firedwarf, we have discussed A Silver Mt. Zion's titles briefly, the utter brilliance of which you fail to see. Your dislike for this particular Kayo Dot cover idea/title also reinforces my high opinion of it. Oh, also, you didn't like the name change. My tastes seem in heavy disalignment with yours - maybe you're wishing for a title/artwork that reminds you of other stuff you like? In any case you seem to not understand the aesthetic I'm going for these days - it'd be cool if you open your mind to it, otherwise I don't see how you could like this album.


me = bad mood