So I took some photo's of sunset - any opinions?

Thorax the Herdsman

Procrastinating Fuck
Erm, hi :)
Haven't actually posted on UM for aaages but thought I'd stop by...I see TB666 is a mod now :)

Anyway, I took some photo's of the sunset the other night and thought I'd share them here, I'm pretty new to photography so any advice or comments would be great as I know there's a few of you out there into this stuff!

And, without further ado...





Thorax the Herdsman said:
Erm, hi :)
Haven't actually posted on UM for aaages but thought I'd stop by...I see TB666 is a mod now :)
Hi Thorax :wave:
Yep, it's a nasty job but someone gotta do it :p

And very nice pictures too mate
I like this one the most.

Man I really should get a digital camera.
The landscape has been stunning this winter and I wish I could have captured it on camera.