so i went along on a ghosthunt..

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
83 a cemetery in cedar hill, tx.

didn't expect much, if i were a ghost i wouldn't want to hang around my grave.

so first i took some non-flash pics before the sun went completely down, just cuz it was a nice creepy looking place.






then i took some non-interesting pics with my flash. as the place had actually closed about 2 hours before we even got there, we figured we'd better boogie. my uncle then noticed a phone number on the cemetery fence. he called it, spoke with the groundskeeper, and she granted us permission to go back in and take as many pics as we like.

right as we walked back in through the gate, i shot this picture. if anything were to be caught by surprise i thought that would be the moment.

perhaps i was right?


another one with what looks like the same orb maybe? on the left, looks like it's on the move.


small blue orb


brownish orb at the top left


and that's about it! like i said, i've never been a fan of going to graveyards for this sort of thing, but i've got to say these are probably the best orbs i've gotten pictures of, anywhere. the density, the colors. pretty cool.
i'm not going to say that they are or aren't anything in particular. i refer to them as orbs in the pictures because..that's what they are, a spherical or at least spherical looking object, an orb. whether they are OOOO GHOSTS or moisture droplets or whatever...dunno. but the way they turned out in the pics this time is pretty cool.
Yeah, I'm sorry but a circle of refracted light from a camera lens isn't going to convince me that it's a ghost. But you got some nice pictures there and getting drunk in a graveyard is always good fun lol.
She's not trying to convince anyone its a ghost. She just wanted everyone to see her pictures.
Cara, I love this kind of stuff (as you very well know)! :)

If you ever come up here, I'll have to take you to the abandoned winery overlooking Lake Mendocino. We've actually heard and somewhat seen things watching/following us. I felt like something was watching me, and I turned around and switched the flashlight on. Whatever it was tore off alongside the wall and dissappeared around the corner.