pics from our ghosthunt last night

sounds like some goosebumps shit going on here... jeez i remember readin those when i was in elementary school :tickled:
no. but every now and then when we were all sitting in the living room talking, i thought i'd see something dark move in the bathroom, out of the corner of my eye. i didn't say anything though. but every time i thought i saw something the guy next to me would go and look in the bathroom, as if he saw it too, so, hmmm
FREAKIN SCARY SHIZA!!! How would u cope with that kind of crap goin on at that house. Hands walkin, throwin cats (haha stupid cats), Ghosts, Poltergeists, ORBS! I'd be in a damn mental institute seein that shit! I hate the fact of ghosts(AHHHH!), zombies(well....yeah), furbies(fuckin friendly things), and Michael Jackson *shudder* (FreaKIN aaaaaaaaahhhh! :puke: ). :yow: