so i went along on a ghosthunt..

i'm not going to say that they are or aren't anything in particular. i refer to them as orbs in the pictures because..that's what they are, a spherical or at least spherical looking object, an orb. whether they are OOOO GHOSTS or moisture droplets or whatever...dunno. but the way they turned out in the pics this time is pretty cool.

I agree with you Cawa, That's what I said one can call them anything they choose... I'll take orbs.


orb's are hard to have as evidence because its just energy accumulating in one place, could be anything.

plus from wha't ive seen it's usually dust or somthing in the air, if you had a video camera and it was moving frantically then you'd have somthing.

although this one does look interesting.
I've got some friends who do this sort of stuff almost every weekend, but I never get the chance to go. :( Looks like fun.

EDIT: It should be interesting to note that the final stop of SOTU is being held at Waverly Hills Sanitorium, which one of those ghost hunter shows said was "one of the most haunted places in America" or something. I can't wait to see how many ghosts Gwar can rape onstage.