So, I'm on the Punisher Diet/training module


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
I saw the Punisher a couple nights ago. I saw Thomas Jane and thought, THAT'S what i want to look like, physically. so i did a little research, found out what his diet and workout plan was. So i am copying it. It's a 9 week program, but i don't have the freetime that he had, so it will probably take longer.

Diet Plan

Lifting Plan

I'm gonna be ripped in no time.

I got some nitrotech shit, some complex carbohydrate drink mix, and some hy.dro.xycut fat burning pills.

i'm excited.


145 Pounds (65.77 Kg). but it's not so much that i want to lose WEIGHT, just be beer belly, which i still have, but is going away. having an office job with little to no mobility SUCKS when you want to lose belly fat. that's why i started eating lunch at work and running during my lunch hour.the running plus the workout plus the pills should turn this mush into muscle.
145 ish. but it's not so much that i want to lose WEIGHT, just be beer belly, which i still have, but is going away. having an office job with little to no mobility SUCKS when you want to lose belly fat. that's why i started eating lunch at work and running during my lunch hour.the running plus the workout plus the pills should turn this mush into muscle.


I've lost a ridiculous amount of weight in the last few months ('specially since I packed no a ridiculous amount since high school,) and I've noticed a lot of little differences. I have a collar bone. I never knew that before. :p

I've lost a ridiculous amount of weight in the last few months ('specially since I packed no a ridiculous amount since high school,) and I've noticed a lot of little differences. I have a collar bone. I never knew that before. :p

5'8" (1.727 m)


My ex saw me and was like :OMG:
calm down, i wasnt insulting you, i'm a guy and find it strange to find a girl at that weight. Of course no one's perfect try not eating chocolate, crisp/shit food and getting daily excersize :p

Hmm. I'm heavy, yes, but I'm also about 1,75-1,80m.
And I've stopped eating anything like you said, I eat 3 meals a day (even though I was used to 2:guh:), I cycle about 2 hours per day. Hence the "I lost almost 2kg in 3 days"