So I'm seeing The Passion of The Christ tomorrow night...

:loco: I'm a saint, goddammit! A SAINT!!

Back to the movie...

I wonder how Mel Gibson is going to follow this one?
I read in an interview that he's going into hiding and not answer the phone for a while... he's going to pitch a tent next to the Weapons of Mass Destruction to make sure that he's not found...
I haven't seen it yet, but the general conclusion from all the reviews I've seen is that the love and actual 'passion' element isn't put across as well as it could have been, due to the violence.

But anywho, I'll wait till I've seen it before judging. However I must admit it's not on my priority list... I dunno I guess it doesn't appeal to me that much.

Anyway hello everyone! :Spin: My name is Mike, i've been on the official IMBB for a few years now so anybody who goes there may know me.

Don't expect me to type so well in future posts, I just wanted to give a good first impression. :grin: