So I'm thinknig about buy a Fractal Audio Axe-FX...


May 19, 2009
I already have $1200 saved up and by the end of the next week I should have the whole wad of dough. It's so much money but I figure most people blow away $1500 a year on an iPhone with their ATT bill, I could justify spending $2000 on something that will hold it's value and I can use for years. So does anyone hear own a Fractal Audio Axe-FX and what do you think of it? Does it rival playing through all the real amps? I have been playing through tube amps forever and I owned a Line 6 Flextone for a year but I thought it sucked for high-gain tones. The Axe-FX sound clips really sound promising and they sound like the tones you would hear on a CD but I guess you can't trust a youtube video that much so I just don't know if that is what it will sound like in my room.

So if you own an Axe-FX and have anything bad or good to say about it then please let me know because I don't want to end up regretting buying this thing.
There's been a post about these recently, have a search for it. I have the standard Axe-Fx and i love it. I've hated and loved it at times, it takes a lot of can't dial in the same tone you would on an amp and make it sound awesome, or at least I can't. I've had mine since January. I'll post some clips of it when I get back from holiday because my band just recorde a new song with it. It's essentially a POD that's been manufactured with the highest quality of electrical components, with a few extras. I don't mean that In a bad way but it's differently one of the things that helps seperate the two. I think for those that can't crank and mic amps these are the ideal solutions. If you have the money then go for the Ultra. This isn't a high-gain tone but I recorded this and some of the other clips on my youtube channel when I just got my Axe-Fx:

Some are PODX3 clips. Also, I'm sure Fractal give a money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied within 2 weeks. Don't quote me on that though, I never had to use it :)
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Best $1500 I ever spent(axe fx standard).....And Ive owned almost everything at one point of another..Definitely NOT a one-trick pony..Definitely requires lots of tweaking..Not for the plug-and-play old-school player! But I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, Fractal always bring out new amp sims and are continually improving their firmware. It won't be too long until a second axe-fx is announced hopefully. There are also third party impulses like the RedWirez ones which i've heard sound better than the factory impulses which you can buy for your axe-fx too!
I would rather buy a Fender EVH 5150 for that amount pf cash. It sounds good for sure, but isn't the tones that sounds the best played through a real cab?? And it dont sound as good as a real tube amp...
You must have picked the shittest tube amp to compare with an Axe-Fx. The EVH is AWFUL. I played it next to a peavey 6505 and an uberschall and it was dry,dull and lifeless.
You must have picked the shittest tube amp to compare with an Axe-Fx. The EVH is AWFUL. I played it next to a peavey 6505 and an uberschall and it was dry,dull and lifeless.

Then you dont know what you are talking about!!! Haha dont think so man!!! Listen to BMTH last album it is EVH all over it and its the most awesome tone out there. It sounds like a 6505/5150 just with more meat, and without the ugly fizz

And im not saying that the Axe isn't good. If you are at home then its awesome, but in a studio environment i still prefer a tube amp. but what i meant was is that isn't the best recorded AXE tones recorded through a real cab?? Just wondering. Because if that the case then it takes away the whole "plugin and record" kind of thing which would be the most beneficial thing with a interface like that. And if you still need a real cab I would (and i really mean I would..) rather invest that money in a real tube amp.
So far i've not heard anybody record the axe-fx through a cabinet so I can't argue that.

The EVH sounds like a pile of fizzy solid state sterile shit compared to either the 6505 or the Uberschall. Suicide season was recorded with 6505's i'm pretty sure, I remember someone posting up a picture of the settings they had used on the recordings.

Direct-in The axe-fx gives you many,many options that you don't get from a conventional tube amp. I'd say it's put an end to the fight for tube-like clean and mid-gain tones, but it still has a bit of work left to get the high-gain tones sounding exactly like a tube-amp but it's done fucking well. The only thing i'd raise an issue about is that the palm-mutes don't sound like they would through a tube-amp.
I was attending to Sucide season when it was recorded in Studio Fredman so i can for sure say you are wrong man. Dont blame the amp for your short comings when it comes to dial in an amp. Dont want to offend you but i we cant have people running around and spread information that isn't true.

Im pretty sure the pictures that was posted here was from there live settings.
My mistake then, But at least there was proof to back my argument. Anyway, back to the thread and not OT.. as you can clearly see I definitely think the axe-fx is worth it. No matter what you decide, i'm sure you will be happy. You'll always be able to ask people what they think etc but that's just what works for them. If you want an infinite number of ways to change your sound, go for it. If you like what you hear from what other people have done with it, go for it. That's the main reason for it. If you really like what you hear then it is for you.
My mistake then, But at least there was proof to back my argument. Anyway, back to the thread and not OT.. as you can clearly see I definitely think the axe-fx is worth it. No matter what you decide, i'm sure you will be happy. You'll always be able to ask people what they think etc but that's just what works for them. If you want an infinite number of ways to change your sound, go for it. If you like what you hear from what other people have done with it, go for it. That's the main reason for it. If you really like what you hear then it is for you.

+ 1 on that man :)

See if you can try it and you for sure will make up your mind / Cheers
The Way Of All Flesh is all 5150III if i'm not mistaken. The guitar tone is great. You must confused with a different amp

I was only referring to the newer stuff on Suicide Season, which I prefer to their other material. Definitely the amp i'm thinking of as I tried it in a store near where I stay :)
You must have picked the shittest tube amp to compare with an Axe-Fx. The EVH is AWFUL. I played it next to a peavey 6505 and an uberschall and it was dry,dull and lifeless.

hahahaha. You're insane, dude. Yeah, it's terrible... that's why it's being used in top metal studios all around the world. Andy Sneap owns an EVH. Fredrik Nordstrom owns an EVH. Jason Suecof owns an EVH. James Murphy owns an EVH. I'm sure that list could go on.

And honestly, if anything, it sounds slightly warmer and smoother than the Peavey 5150/6505... so, the "pile of fizzy solid state sterile shit" compared to 6505 comment makes no sense whatsoever.
I had the 6505 coming out of a Bogner standard cab, and the Uberschall. The EVH was coming out of it's own cab. Didn't like it. Don't care about 'who' is using it. It's not for me. End of discussion and stop making this go OT. I've said what I had to say.
I had the 6505 coming out of a Bogner standard cab, and the Uberschall. The EVH was coming out of it's own cab. Didn't like it. Don't care about 'who' is using it. It's not for me. End of discussion and stop making this go OT. I've said what I had to say.

lol... Dude, if you're going to make comparisons, use the same cab.

Also, it's pretty on topic as we should consider who these opinions are coming from. ;p
The only thing i'd raise an issue about is that the palm-mutes don't sound like they would through a tube-amp.

What is the deal with the palm mutes, can you explain the difference? I heard the new 10.0 firmware has improvements, have you tried it?