So it seems that Matt Barlow is back in metal

Mort Divine

Shrine Maiden of the In-Crowd
Oct 28, 2005
Fargo, ND

Former ICED EARTH frontman Matt Barlow has reportedly joined Danish metallers PYRAMAZE as the replacement for Lance King. The news was revealed in the brand new issue of the German magazine Rock Hard, which features an in-depth interview with Barlow and a short question-and-answer session with PYRAMAZE guitarist/songwriter Michael Kammeyer. A rough English-language translation of the Rock Hard articles can be found at this location.

PYRAMAZE split with Lance King last November due to "personal and professional reasons." The group is currently working on material for its third album, tentatively due next spring.

PYRAMAZE's latest album, "Legend of the Bone Carver", was released last year via Massacre Records (Europe) and Nightmare Records (USA and Canada).

Haha, seems like one of metals most overrated vocalists is back.
i dunno about over rated. he was great with iced earth. why doesnt he just go back? i mean, ripper doesnt fit iced earth at all.
Because Jon likes Owens and wants him in the band - and honestly if Owens can find a way to fit the band, or if Jon can craft the band around Owens we'll get the best IE material since NotS.

I frankly think Tim deserves his chance to prove that he can stand on his own to a wider audience, i.e. those who've not heard Winter's Bane.

People need to stop looking at him as this replacement singer and instead as a standalone who can kick ass - not enough people realize this.

But - yeah Barlow joined a pretty shitty band, and I do like him - but he is way way way too - err well he doesn't live up to the hype surrounding him.
ya see, thats my problem with ripper. he just joins bands as a fill in. hes talented, but for some reason i dont see him as a guy who can front his own original band
You need to hear Winter's Bane - Heart of a Killer That album proves that Owens can stand on his own two feet and kick ass. Beyond Fear's s/t is a great album vocally for Owens, despite being crap musically.
I actually prefer Owens over Barlow. I think, maybe, people don't like him with Iced Earth so much is because he's only done the one album, which really wasn't very good overall. If the new albums are good, I bet people will stop bitching so much about Owens and maybe stop fellating Barlow. Really, I liked him and all, but he wasn't that great.
i remember the old forum member anonymousnick describing barlow as a "bellowing doofus". i found that pretty funny, even though i dont mind him.

never heard of pyramaze, sounds a little strange that barlow would join a black metal band. but whatever.
You need to hear Winter's Bane - Heart of a Killer That album proves that Owens can stand on his own two feet and kick ass. Beyond Fear's s/t is a great album vocally for Owens, despite being crap musically.

That's been a constant theme throughout most of his projects. There's nothing wrong with him as a vocalist at all; he's an excellent. He just usually ends up on records with mediocre music and writing. Come to think of it, The Glorious Burden was one of the better records I've heard with him, which isn't saying a whole lot.

Anyway, Pyramaze is decent. I can't really imagine what they'll sound like with Barlow.
While I don't recall an abundance of 'uhs' in the Barlow era material, I do remember that he had the worst, most awkward mid-octave range ever. I never really listened to Iced Earth much at all though, including pre- and post-Barlow.
i dunno about over rated. he was great with iced earth. why doesnt he just go back? i mean, ripper doesnt fit iced earth at all.

Barlow no longer wants to tour etc. at the level Iced Earth did because he didn't make enough to properly support his family. Pyramaze is similar in that they are not a touring band, they play a few shows here and there but that's about it.

Personally, I love Barlow's voice and can't wait to hear what Pyramaze sounds like with him. I think Lance King is killer as well and luckily we can hear him in other bands (Avian, Krucible and a few others).
Barlow no longer wants to tour etc. at the level Iced Earth did because he didn't make enough to properly support his family. Pyramaze is similar in that they are not a touring band, they play a few shows here and there but that's about it.

Personally, I love Barlow's voice and can't wait to hear what Pyramaze sounds like with him. I think Lance King is killer as well and luckily we can hear him in other bands (Avian, Krucible and a few others).

A lot of it probably had to do with him not wanting to work with Schaffer, as well.
Well, he had always wanted a career in law enforcement too, and he was getting on a bit in years. (He was close to getting that career, but alas, he joined highway patrol).

Barlow is by far my favourite cop that used to sing in a metal band.
Wow Lance King left Pyramaze? That's sad news. I hope the new vocalist can make up for his leaving, Pyramaze is a decent power metal band with bad lyrics. Maybe Matt can improve on the bad lyrics and make their next album their best.