So.... I've just learned that...

dead6skin6mask6 said:
not me, but in History class last period, we saw a video and there was a road sign with an arrow to the left that said Leipzig :erg:

It's a nice city and all but it's not touristic at all ... no one there speaks in english! Last time I've been there, it was for six weeks and I was alone... ALL ALONE! ...It almost destroyed me mentally... But this time around, it's for 2 weeks... I'm stronger now!

I don't know german myself! I can read a menu but that's about it!
oh dear Fred!!!
im so happy and sad at the same time that you are leaving!
i know how much you hated the last trip for the same place...
but you know, this time, it'd be good for you to go there again... its shorter, and like you said: you are stronger!!!!

when are you leaving?
Dead_Lioness said:
oh dear Fred!!!
im so happy and sad at the same time that you are leaving!
i know how much you hated the last trip for the same place...
but you know, this time, it'd be good for you to go there again... its shorter, and like you said: you are stronger!!!!

when are you leaving?

...It's still not sure but it'd be around the end of june, beginning of july
Larf03 said:
It's a nice city and all but it's not touristic at all ... no one there speaks in english! Last time I've been there, it was for six weeks and I was alone... ALL ALONE! ...It almost destroyed me mentally... But this time around, it's for 2 weeks... I'm stronger now!

I don't know german myself! I can read a menu but that's about it!

was it like The Shining? :p
The adventure continues!