So many Rage haters in here...

Dark One said:
Hey, that's such a great point. I never looked at it that way. Well thought out, thanks for sharing.

Thanks Mo, many hours of thought went into that post... probably the same amount of time that went into your reply.
alexofbodom said:
I have heard many people talk bad about Rage in this forum. That is totally fine since everybody is entitled to his/her opinion, but what I can't stand is people judging them on one or two albums recorded back in the 80s. They sound totally different now-a-days. Their latest album, Unity, is a killer metal album that blows away 99.9% of all metal albums in the world. I'm willing to bet that many of you who think Rage sucks without having actually heard albums such as Unity, Black In Mind, Missing Link, or XIII, will be proven wrong at ProgPower.

Rage rules and they totally deserve the headlining slot at this year's progpower festival.

It's funny you mention that, I read some similar quotes like "I heard them back in 86 and they sucked" or I can't stand the old music so I'm not going to check em out. I was one of those who felt that way when I got "UNITY" to review for my site. I really dreaded it, big time. Needless to say I was so blown away by it. All I can say is give these guys a chance and listen to Unity with an open mind. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
I have all the Rage albums, and I'm really glad to see them at PP4. Their sound has always been so unique--and I will agree it's a taste that must be acquired. But they dance the line between Power & Prog very well, their melodies are often very strange & unique, and it will be a pleasure finally seeing Peavy live after all these years of listening to his music.

Certainly, it would be a shame for someone to pass judgement on them after simply listening to a few mp3's. I doubt I would dig them either if that's all I listened to. Takes a bit of time for their music to sink in, IMHO. But that doesn't make it any better or worse than other bands whose music might hold a more immediate appeal.

"""I have been a fan of Rage since 92' back when I was in 8th grade (I just dated myself didn't I! :yuk: ) and to me, the first album I heard, Reflections of A Shadow (I highly recomend this album!) """

hehehe I had that album in college. date that :)

my 1st rage album was perfect man.. havent listened to them since, gotta try some of the new stuff out and see if i can get remasters of those old 2.
Jim LotFP said:
Now what's this supposed to mean? Of COURSE I like Rage. They don't in any way, shape, or form suck.

:grin:hehehehe... you now I was just playin' big guy:Saint:

Actualy, I rember your review for "Unity" vividly, and in the begining you were ready to write them off as power-metal has beens... but the more you listened, the more you loved, and by the end of the review you were estatic about how amazing the album was and disapointed you hadn't listen to them before!

I have been searching for two hours through my pile of crap trying to find the actual copy of the LotPF that has the review... I wanted to post it on this thread as it was an EXCELLENT review of the album for all the Rage-naysayers, but can't find the damn thing in my pile o' crap workstation. :err:

I know you were going to go on a back-log haul on Rage's earlier albums... did you end up picking anything else up from them? what are your thoughts on them if you did? (haha! I'm interviewing the interviewer!)

Dustin said:
I know you were going to go on a back-log haul on Rage's earlier albums... did you end up picking anything else up from them? what are your thoughts on them if you did? (haha! I'm interviewing the interviewer!)

Only Perfect Man and the Lingua Mortis trilogy so far... all high quality stuff...I like. :)