So Matt, Why did you become a


Aug 5, 2009
Singer and guitarist with Evile when you really wanted to be a model set builder for films when you were younger?

What made you decide that forming Evile would be better?

I actually think it's brilliant cos most young people always have dreams of being either a rock star/pop star like myself till reality hit the fan whereas with you it was the other way round

A model set builder for films to a performer on stage

I salute you on your wise choice young man

I'm the same way actually - I wanted to write and illustrate graphic novels when I was younger. I almost certainly could've done so by now too, if I'd have stuck at it for a few years longer. But then I went to see Motorhead and found out that Onslaught reformed, and now look at me :lol:
probably for the exact same reasons most people don't end up doing what they wanted to do when they were kids (sometimes it does happen though)....

i changed my mind or got distracted by other things or realised i wouldn't be able to do it. the model thing stands out most as being what i really wanted to do, but i didn't logically know how to access it... i also wanted to be an F14 pilot, but i'm in no way smart enough or disciplined for that.

then i was going to be an artist and do art and graphics, but i only like a handful of artists - its all bollocks - and i'm not nearly mad enough to be a proper artist.

then i wanted to be an architect so i went to uni, did it for a year and a half until i realised i could do all the art/design/graphic stuff really really well, but i completely got bent over by science, so i didn't become an architect.

then i decided to get a proper trade (while starting up metal militia coincidentally) so i became an upholsterer for a few years (i'm fully qualified haha), but i got bored so gave up. still no idea what i wanted to do.

ended up working at HMV for 2 years while trying to figure out what i wanted to do while doing evile stuff (hallows eve and hell demo etc) then we got signed so then i figured out i wanted to play in a band. the end.

now i work full time at the council and occasionally do a gig or two.

i bet most people you ask don't end up doing exactly what they want to do.
Thank you for that very informative reply

I note with interest that you made mention of being a fighter jet pilot, that was one of my answers DAMMITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With reagrds to the comment of most people don't end up doing what they wanted to do, I have to agree, I remember writing lyrics at secondary school (They were really bad but we all start somewhere) hoping to be in a metal band but I couldn't play any instruments so that died a slow painful death and I didn't really any school friends as such but was a popular punch bag instead so there was no-one really to share my musical tastes and go to each other houses and sort of club some money together for instruments.

I now work for Strathclyde Police and I really enjoy doing the job and it's sometimes a great laugh, the only thing is the shifts, I do early, late and night and doing 7 nights in a row is seriously tough going but it's part of the job.

So no nasty comments about what I do peeps ok


Gotta be 35 for President, even then I doubt my country as a whole would elect a Libertarian.
Congressman would be easier, I just have to be 25 and have some kind of college degree so I seem electable.
i bet most people you ask don't end up doing exactly what they want to do.

I reckon it's more a case of most people don't end up doing exactly what they set out to do. I work as a live sound engineer now, after going to uni with intentions of being a producer. That came after realising that I wasn't going to be a rockstar, which is a dream which was spawned when I was about 13, after playing guitar for 4 years. Before that (to be fair I was 9), I had no idea what to do. It's all still related though, I'm still in the same industry I set out for, and to be fair, rock star is a fucking high bar to jump. I know a fair few who have taken a similar path in their chosen field, a fair few who started doing a job, realised it was ace and love it (suppose Matt effectively fits into that category...), and one guy who has been in and out of further education since he left school like 7 years ago, and I'm sure he'll just keep trying to do whatever the hell it is he wants to do (I'm still not sure what that is exactly) until he either gets there or dies.

The point is, try hard enough and you'll end up in a good place.

However, I'm from Bicester, where most people get whatever job they can because they need the money, then stay with it forever. Seriously, I know a guy who's been working in Tesco for over 5 years and he's not even made it to supervisor.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a mechanic. But I just didn't in the end.
As I grew older I realised that my heart wasn't particularly into it.
Then I picked up a bass guitar and joined a band.
Now I know i'd rather be playing gigs as a form of income than working for some prick who I don't like.
Although, I do actually want to get a job so I can spend some of the shrapnel on gear and what not, I just can't find anything. D':
Maybe you should join the Unemployed Workers' Union.

Or are you one of these "decent people" that acts on life's problems rather than standing still and bitching about them?

Surely "unemployed worker" is an oxymoron? Or maybe I'm one, I'm a freelancer so I'm not really "employed" by anyone, but I do work...
When I was little I really liked flowers and collecting them from the yard and figured I want to work with flowers. Then I started liking tractors and wanted to be a farmer. When I was around 12 I started liking Lordi alot and I wanted to be a rockstar. Now Im 21 and I have worked as a construction worker. Currently I have been unemployeed for 2 months.

People change when years go by. Not many of us end up being what we though we want to be when we grow up.