So, Mel and Keyser...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Mel, when you get back, will you be a Maidens roadie? Or hanging in SoCal while they are on tour?

How about you Keyser? Will you be selling shirts on the road?

Just curious if either of you will be attending this show (info on


@ The Palace (Los Angeles)

(with Ray Alder from Fates Warning, Joey Vera from Armored Saint, and Bernie Versailles of Agent Steel)
And I'd make that drink a double! I'd like to see her a drunkey monkey and havin a good ol' time back in the USA where she belongs!;) Keyser, we'd LOVE to have you along, but perhaps when budget the meantime we are in good hands care of the Taylor family! :grin:
Metal Blade Party - Too bad, some of their best bands ever aren't playing. Not like I would be able to see it either way, being several thousand miles away. I saw Lizzy Borden here in NC last year. He was a trip back to the 80's.
Ray Alder and guys should stick with Fates Warning or whatever different bands they keep affiliating with. Engine is okay for about two songs, then they get boring. Maybe, live?!?!?! is better.
Dunno; I will probably hit the metalblade party. I dig Armored Saint, and Lizzy Borden might be fun to finally see. As for plans when i get back, I have no idea but more travel is probably not among them, unless I go home to see aitini (err, my mom!)! hehehheh. Of course, I would be more than happy to help out the Merry Maids of Iron in whatever they need (they are my friends!! anything you need, just ask!), but beyond that, I'm just focused on gettin' my ass home -- and THAT task alone has proven to be a challenge.

That's a pretty big offer there... I'm sure Mel will use her best judgement there!
(personally I think that is an interesting option worth considering...).


Are your problems getting back home anything any of us can help you with? If money is an issue, I'm sure we can start a kitty or something...

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There are a lot of us here that will be more than happy to lend our support should you be in a time of need. After all, you gave us all that enjoyment onstage and off all these years, and I think a few of us would be more than happy to give some back!

Your #2 (or is it #6? #537?) fan.
(Smylex is #1 I think...)
Mr Toast
Originally posted by bassbitch
I'm just focused on gettin' my ass home -- and THAT task alone has proven to be a challenge.

Um, why? Don't tell me after what they pulled that band isn't helping you get home.
I've since discussed this with a friend of Mel's, and she seemed to think that Mel is doing fine, and is just jumping through a few hoops to get back here.

My guess is that the post 9/11 security measures probably have a lot to do with Mel's headaches trying to get home...
Oh yeah, she fits the profile of a terrorist. I feel so much safer, don't you?

Ok, maybe they have a point. You could hide a bazooka in that hair. :)
I briefly toyed with the idea of flying out to make the Metalblade party, or maybe Washington to see the Maidens on the road, but I'm tied up in projects here. So next time ladies!

Take lots of pictures Keyser and Maidens camera type person!!!
Originally posted by Melisan
Oh yeah, she fits the profile of a terrorist. I feel so much safer, don't you?

Ok, maybe they have a point. You could hide a bazooka in that hair. :)

Bazooka? :rolleyes: Puh-leez! This is Mel we're talking about, not Marge Simpson.
Hey Bodomite! Nice to see you around these parts!

Smylex let us know that Mel returned last week; she's just readjusting to the time zone change (and practicing for her gig this week as well I'm sure).