So my friend got his new bitch pregnant.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
They've been dating for like 2 months and he's happy as a clam, I met her for the first time tonight and he introduced her as "my baby's momma" two different times.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this dude has the emotional stability of a 14 year old girl too, what a fucking dumbass.
One Inch Man said:
They've been dating for like 2 months and he's happy as a clam, I met her for the first time tonight and he introduced her as "my baby's momma" two different times.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this dude has the emotional stability of a 14 year old girl too, what a fucking dumbass.

i have aszreerrrrooo idea what you jsaid because i didna't read it!!! hahaha! but fuck man don't laet tha sdudde hav ae achil d or athat would be fgay nd = non metal!!!1!hhahahahha THARS TILL liveDEATH
I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to not allow him to have a kid, should I bust out the time machine and go back 6 weeks to remind him to pull out? :loco:

Oh yeah and my other friend, married with a year old baby, is getting a separation / divorce / whatever after all his friends were quite candid in saying "dude don't marry this one man, she ain't the one for you."

God damn, my friends have no foresight.
One Inch Man said:
I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to not allow him to have a kid, should I bust out the time machine and go back 6 weeks to remind him to pull out?

Duh, the next time you walk up to her, just "accidentally" slip and headbutt her stomach so hard she miscarries.
One Inch Man said:
They've been dating for like 2 months and he's happy as a clam, I met her for the first time tonight and he introduced her as "my baby's momma" two different times.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this dude has the emotional stability of a 14 year old girl too, what a fucking dumbass.

If you end up with the thing crying on your lap, don't forget to keep a few well-chosen CDs close at hand. It's never too early for straight education!
Thanatopsis123 said:
Duh, the next time you walk up to her, just "accidentally" slip and headbutt her stomach so hard she miscarries.


Two months you say? Blatantly an accident.
what a fucking fag ... do people fall asleep when fucking and forget to pull out? ... or do they have such potent sperm that even a drop causes a reaction? :lol:

some bitch tried to trick me once ... "yes, yes, ahhhhh ... come inside me, I am on the pill" .... Uhm, no ...
Ellestin said:
If you end up with the thing crying on your lap, don't forget to keep a few well-chosen CDs close at hand. It's never too early for straight education!
Heehee, "hey little baby, want to hear some Khanate?"
lurch70 said:
what a fucking fag ... do people fall asleep when fucking and forget to pull out? ... or do they have such potent sperm that even a drop causes a reaction? :lol:

some bitch tried to trick me once ... "yes, yes, ahhhhh ... come inside me, I am on the pill" .... Uhm, no ...
Fuckin' seriously man! I have NEVER failed to pull out! I mean yeah I've gone inside a few times too, but not because I forgot, condoms or the pill was involved.

This dude is a fucking IDIOT man, I mean I love the fucker but GOD DAMN is he stupid sometimes. He's 26 right, I remember when he was 17 and he was talking about banging his chick, I asked "so you use rubbers?" "nah" "oh cool, she's on the pill?" "nah" "... uhhh, well do you at least pull out?" "nah, we both have jobs so we can take care of a kid." This is while he was working THREE HOURS A WEEK AT FUCKING TACO BELL WTF. This fucker has never had a clue and probably never will. Not to mention that the financial bit is important, but nowhere near the biggest thing while having a kid. Fuckin moron man, jesus.

It was so funny last night, because he made the "baby's momma" announcement/introduction to all us dudes last night and we just sorta sat there looking at him a bit stunned. Finally one of us said "well, congratulations" but it sure as hell wasn't me. :dopey:
One Inch Man said:
I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to not allow him to have a kid, should I bust out the time machine and go back 6 weeks to remind him to pull out? :loco:

The Nadinator :cool:
Doomcifer said:
Is she spanish? ..cuz ya know, 'dem spanish chicks have sticky uteruses. ;)
Nah, he's one of those black dudes into white chicks. Big white chicks. Right now he fuckin' hates me because I sent him a harsh email saying he had no fucking clue what he's getting into, but fuck me man, I'm the dude with the bluntest answers in the world and if you ask me "tell me what you really think!" you're going to get Full Brutal Honesty.
E-bortion said:
The Nadinator :cool:
One Inch Man said:
Nah, he's one of those black dudes into white chicks. Big white chicks. Right now he fuckin' hates me because I sent him a harsh email saying he had no fucking clue what he's getting into, but fuck me man, I'm the dude with the bluntest answers in the world and if you ask me "tell me what you really think!" you're going to get Full Brutal Honesty. :tickled:

It's hardly an issue you can pussyfoot around though, isn't it?
haha! people never cease to amaze me. my old lady and i have made stringent efforts over the years to NOT have this happen. haha! no premarital sex. after getting married, we used contraception religiously. we saved shitloads of money, we own everything (but the house) and have waited until we were mature ebough to raise another human being. but meanwhile, most people just fuck and maintain an incredible sense of apathy.
it may seem like a private issue, but does the world really need MORE children with parents who can't raise them? it's shit like this makes me wonder why i try. why do i bother driving a car that gets good gas mileage when the best selling vehicle of all-time is a fucking ford f-150? why do i bother paying cash for eveything when everyone else just puts it on credit? why do i try to save resources like water and electricity when there are golf courses and shopping malls?
whoa. went off track there. it just burns me how people can view sex and its product (offsping) as casually as television.
contraception religiously


NAD ... some people just "want" children. I knew some of these creatures also. There is almost utter disregard for the traditional family concept ... a mere child will do. No harm if one of the parents just dissapears.

Selfish fuckers
lurch70 said:
Selfish fuckers
Exactly. This dude lives with his parents and can barely make his über car payment each month, but he's prancing around like an 8 year old getting a new dolly for christmas, and doesn't think he needs to "jump right into marriage" just yet. Nice job dickhead!
fotmbm said:
No, she's doing that evil laugh-thingie (MUAHAHAHAAAA!) three times a day now that her evil plan has been carried out successfully

^ Loves Rhapsody and Edguy and Gammaray