good point.snow2fall said:Is her life ruined?
hahahahahafotmbm said:No, she's doing that evil laugh-thingie (MUAHAHAHAAAA!) three times a day now that her evil plan has been carried out successfully
Ifurin said:is his life ruined, or is he the type to piss off and lump her with the kid?
I don't give a shit if either one of their lives are "ruined," what I care about, and why I'm pissed off at him, is because they are treating this like a new toy. He's known the girl for 3 months, and didn't say "hey I love you" or even "hey let's get married" that soon, no. He said "hey let's have a kid because that would be neat."snow2fall said:Is her life ruined?
No that was in high school, he actually has a better job now.lizard said:she's a fat chick with a half black baby ~ since she's already fat, she's not going to get skinnier, that almost never happens, the dad works three hours at taco bell so he can't even afford a bag of pampers or a case of formula...geez what a goat fuck all the way around.
fuck. im sick of these people (read: average american). we own two cars, a 96 and 97. *ancient* by average standards. our combined income is > 100,000 a year. we were at the volvo dealer yesterday and were shocked at how much they cost. a $30,000 car simply is not affordable. but when you make payments over 6000 months, anyone can do it. which is what these assholes do. $30,000 for a fucking deprecaiting asset. how stupid can you get? and yet, this is what America is run on........DEBT.One Inch Man said:He'll never get it probably, even while it happens. He grew up in a family that literally runs from the tax man and other bill collectors about once a year, but they continue to drive brand new Lexusis anyhow.
have you ever paid $44k for a $23k car? he did
dorian gray said:^hahaha! holy fuck! why i gods name would anyone pay that much money for a car? what will it's value be in three years? $15,000? if that? wow. people never cease to amaze me.
bwaaaaahahahahaha! thats hilarious. i saw a tv ad last night for the same thing and just laughed. $35k will also buy you an AWD BMW 3-series, a Lexus, a Honda S2000, two (yeah, two) Camrys, and a host of other more worthy vehicles. like one inch said, dodge are notorious for their failing transmissions. there isn't one single american who doesnt know this. it's been going on for as long as i can remember. heh, dodge.lurch70 said:yeah, no shit .. .another friend of mine bought a new Dodge Ram 1500 pickup fully loaded in 2002 for about $35K