so the "best of the year" lists are starting to roll out

When you were a baby, I told you that beauty came from the sea.
Now when you touch me between the eyes, I say, "Why?"
I'd never lie, but you won't believe
I could make everyone so happy
I could make everything beautiful, like you.

Clean, forever, just like you.
Also, 4lao, dear myspace friend....I must tell you that Scott [Malefic(Xashtur)] is one of the ABSOLUTE nicest, most laid back guys i have ever met in my life. If i saw him being an asshole, it would be so out of character that i might get in a bad mood.

Sorry dude, but I only get my opinions of people from friends of friends of friends of people who I've never met. ;)!
haha, there isn' least in the US.

The thing is...nobody dies anymore....b-o-r-i-n-g.

Jon whatever from dissection...was really late....kind of like the kid that got into pokemon when the gold version came out.