So these Line 6 M13 thingymajigs....


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Are they any good? Anyone using one? I reckon they'd probably be decent - never had much against Line 6's effects; in fact I have a DL-4 and its awesome.

I'm honestly wondering whether I could replace this:


With this:


Part of me thinks it could work well; have my Volume pedal in the loop, and have it assignable on a per-song basis. have a bank of scenes for each song, and just hit one button each time my tone needs to change (I always go into the front of the amp; never into the fx loop)

But part of me thinks it might look too good to be true; thoughts?
I had one for 6 months and just sold it. The delay was the only really useful feature as you can have 4 delays patches/stomp box models on at once but its a lot of cash for a fancy delay pedal and its really heavy which was massively annoying.

In short - the reverbs and synth stuff is un-usable.
- the comps are good
- the overdrives are weak, the only ok one is the tubescreamer one and that has some weird stuff going on as where-ever you dial the tone knob it still honks and is nassle as hell, its got nothing on my maxon od808 or my double drive.
- chorus/flanger/phaser ok, good tremolo

I think like all these modelling things they are a great idea but once the honeymoon period is over you start to see the major problems with line6 modelling and its just a bit too sterile. Don't get me wrong, I work at a theatre and a guy in one of the shows recently had one of those spider valve things and it covered all the bases from rock thru country and I guess thats the problem, it does a little of everything at a passable level but thats it. Keep your dosh!
I had one for 6 months and just sold it. The delay was the only really useful feature as you can have 4 delays patches/stomp box models on at once but its a lot of cash for a fancy delay pedal and its really heavy which was massively annoying.

As you can see though, the M13 would probably be quite a bit lighter than my current setup!!

I never found the L6 reverbs to be THAT bad! The distortions are cack yes, but I don't need them.

I just went to a shop, and the guy said he had one left in a box; but wouldn't let me try it out. How the fuck are people supposed to know whether something is good for them, if you wont let them try it out!! :rolleyes:
Meh.. I think I'm gonna pass on a multi-fx at the moment. The problem is, no-one has gotten it right. I want the complexity and the dexterity of my current setup, within a portable 10-footswitch unit. The closest thing looks to be the G-System, but it's bloody expensive for what it is.