So we don't have a Best of 2004 thread yet?

M.Lehto said:

Armagedda: Ond Spiritism - Djefvulens Skalder (ltd 500, gatefold) Agonia Records Arlp-010 2004

Got this some weeks ago and absolute masterpiece, with great packing. You must get this, maybe the
best release this year.
This album is fucking killer! Just heard it for the first time tonight.
Opeth17 said:
One thing I've learned is that trying to objectively rank such varying albums is pretty gay. :loco: How do I compare Anata and Black Label Society?
True, which is why I always rank my year end shits by which kicked my ass more. Pure gut reaction.

EDIT: I'm angry at numbers.
I'm utterly amazed that nobody's mentioned Exodus's Tempo of the Damned yet. That's my pick, easily.

Other contenders:
Metal Church - Weight of the World
Drunkard - Hellish Metal Dominate
Manticora - 8 Deadly Sins

And I hear the new Graveland is t3h r0xx0r. Same about new Motörhead.
Pyrus said:
I'm utterly amazed that nobody's mentioned Exodus's Tempo of the Damned yet. That's my pick, easily.

Damn! I totally forgot Tempo! It just proves that the first half of the year always get's neglected compared to the latter, when it comes to list compiling.
after listening to Panopticon about 6 times in a row I think I can safely say that it will be on my top 10 list if I decide that it has longevity.
Hang on, AWMM you have fucking Stone Brewery as your avatar VERY NICE. Those dudes are like an hour away from me.

Isis didn't make my top 10 sadly. Goes to show how good a year this was, I totally underestimated it until I started adding things all together. "I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit I know the pieces fit"
I really haven't listened to enough 2004 metal, nor am I as into the avant garde as much as you folks, but I can tell you that Orphaned Land's Mabool has been ruling my ever-loving face.

As well as:
Iced Earth - Glorious Burden
Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion
Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
Death Angel - Art of Dying
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
Dismember - Where Ironcrosses Grow (is that 2004?)

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, though I've heard a bunch more.
One Inch Man said:
Isis didn't make my top 10 sadly. Goes to show how good a year this was, I totally underestimated it until I started adding things all together.

ok, so far I have

Hate Forest - Battlefields
Nasheim - Undergång (or Evighet/Undergång)
Peccatum - Lost In Reverie

Isis and Drudkh are also probable, about 16 other albums (incl. Neurosis, Dub Buk, Exodus, Megadeth, Darkthrone, Sunn O))), TITD, etc. etc.) competing for the rest, and still its a shame I haven't heard DsO or Graveland yet either.

bah, whatever.
Erik said:
Do you have any Morrigan at all? If so, and if you want more excellent material in the same vein, it's a good one to pick up. Morrigan has nothing but rock solid output so far.
Yeah, I have "Enter the Sea of Flames" and "Plague, Waste & Death." I liked them quite a bit, and remember thinking it was along the lines of viking-era Bathory to a degree.