so.... we have a crybaby writing for the site...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
last night, steph and i sent out the weekly workshop e-mail. we said we would like people to e-mail us with typos and corrections and we will fix them... this is mostly due to people trying to fix stuff, but they don't know what they are doing so they end up causing us more work... this is how the crybaby responded...
Hey guys
Sorry I didnt know that was the policy about corrections, and I am the last person to correct anyones grammatical errors, but if you post a band or a bands name, please be sure you double check it before you post it, that couple extra seconds saves the credibility of the writer from new visitors to the site. I know I post rarely, but I do read indie, and pitchfork and various other sites and if I saw a band member of a band that I loved spelled wrong I would write off the entire site. I'm not trying to be petty, I just figured it was the quickest way to update the page and I didnt realize that it would change the author. Heck if you arent sure dont put their name, just put the instrument or whatever...I am writng this more as a music fan, than a critic of either of you. I just know what I look for in sites i visit. Hopefully no hard feelings but I wanted to clarify my motives

me... i was pissed... first off, it's not her fucking site. second, i guess the three to four hours i work on it a night is not enough. so, insted of me responding to her (and telling her she is more than welcome to get fucked) steph responded...
um...not a big're not the only one so don't take it so personally. i thought you might but was hoping you'd just say okay and move on considering we have a decent amount of people with access to the site. it'll save things from getting screwed up more than just a band name wrong. and i see typos all over the place, including the newspaper. i update all day, check myself all day and am constantly making corrections. i understand that occasionally i screw up something and i apologize to anyone who reads the site who would be offended by a mispelling or a typo.


steph is better than me at this stuff...
she is right, dude!

i dont really even understand what is going on here. so she is a contributor and she wrote to you just mentioning that she sees a lot of typos?
i can't say i understand what's going on here.

this is what i'm getting:

you sent out an e-mail requesting people to proof their own work.

if that's the case, i think that's fair to ask.

on the other hand, i think this woman is perfectly okay in asking that you, at the very least, double-check the spelling of the band's name. and i think she is suggesting this as a benefit for both you, the site owner, and the writer.

unless i'm completely misreading everything, i don't see how she's being a crybaby...
after re-reading it two or three times, i'm going to guess that a large part of the backstory was left out; did she do something like log in and change a typo HERSELF, and it changed the "last updated" from the real author to her, and that's what the problem is? that she should be emailing you to change typos, rather than doing it herself?

xfer said:
after re-reading it two or three times, i'm going to guess that a large part of the backstory was left out; did she do something like log in and change a typo HERSELF, and it changed the "last updated" from the real author to her, and that's what the problem is? that she should be emailing you to change typos, rather than doing it herself?


yes yes yes... sorry... sorry. this is the case.
"if I saw a band member of a band that I loved spelled wrong I would write off the entire site."

OK, I'm no fan of typos etc but that's just retarded. She's going to have to backthat up by NOT READING ANYTHING EVER AGAIN EVER. Also logging in to fix other people's typos? is that what she did?
look, honestly: if I went to and clicked on the link for Neutral Milk Hotel and it was spelled NUETRAL MILK HOTIL...i would NEVER let them live it down, in my mind. and when i talk about the site i would always bring it up.