So we're finally done building our new studio space

May 12, 2005
We've got some small things left to do painting and lighting-wise and we're gonna clean up and throw a new carpet into the recording room but here are some pics of our new place:


Recording room:

Hang-out room:

Here's how it looked "before":

Our goal was to make it as cheap as possible but still functional and I must say I'm really pleased with how much the wall we've built keeps the sound out of the liveroom.

There's also a drumcorner of the liveroom but apparantly we forgot to photo that =)

It's ghetto but it's ours ;)
Nice! Where is it? And how much did it cost/whats the rent?

It's right here were we live in sweden in an industrial space.
The rent for us is about 1000 Euro a year but we're collecting support from a local education agency

I think that we spent around 1100 Euro or something totally for the material, and we did all the labour ourselves.

The gear is pretty much the same that we had in the old studio so that's excluded from the building cost.
Wasnt it you guys who posted pictures on "ljudbojen" or "diskantforum"(Cant remember which one im thinking of.)?
I think you made a mistake. The roof and walls should be tilted, not the floor :lol:

Youve got a problem with my cool "hanging around" pose, huh? :lol:

This is an old abandoned slaughterhouse, been empty for 20 years and I can surely say that there isnt a 90 degree angle anywhere, so it might as well have been the floor that was tilted ;)

Noutern: Yeah, it's up at diskant as well
The console, if you could call it that, is a Mackie 16-8, I'm really happy with how the preamps sound actually.

Yeah, the rent is cheap, especially since we've got someone else to pay for it ;)