We've got some small things left to do painting and lighting-wise and we're gonna clean up and throw a new carpet into the recording room but here are some pics of our new place:
Recording room:
Hang-out room:
Here's how it looked "before":
Our goal was to make it as cheap as possible but still functional and I must say I'm really pleased with how much the wall we've built keeps the sound out of the liveroom.
There's also a drumcorner of the liveroom but apparantly we forgot to photo that =)
It's ghetto but it's ours

Recording room:

Hang-out room:

Here's how it looked "before":

Our goal was to make it as cheap as possible but still functional and I must say I'm really pleased with how much the wall we've built keeps the sound out of the liveroom.
There's also a drumcorner of the liveroom but apparantly we forgot to photo that =)
It's ghetto but it's ours