so, what did you buy people for Christmas/Hanukkah?

horrible movie

edit: buy it for her anyway. don't ask. it would be suspicious. if she likes you enough, she'll see the act of kindness you will show... also, if she DOES have it, it'll make her feel bad, and that could be a plus, as well
How awful is your understanding of chronology?

If you go to Mexico (and thus eat the Mexican food) in January then how can you eat said Mexican food, then manage to shit under the Christmas tree? Unless you can time travel?

How about you just do the deed on her? I'm sure she'd recall that for many years to come.
How awful is your understanding of chronology?

If you go to Mexico (and thus eat the Mexican food) in January then how can you eat said Mexican food, then manage to shit under the Christmas tree? Unless you can time travel?

How about you just do the deed on her? I'm sure she'd recall that for many years to come.
ill bring a christmas tree to mexico so i wont have to hold in the shit for another 11 months after mexico.