So what is your current "Song-of-the-Hour?"


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
So I come back from ProgPower with a stack of CD's and here we are more than a month since the big event and I'm only through half of them! :guh:

Right now, my current obsession song is "JUDGEMENT DAY" by ANGRA off of the "Rebirth" album.

Please feel free to post your current song obsession and remember -- it has to be a song that you "back-up" to play again at least 2 or 3 times when you hear it! :headbang:

Ashley Simp..... er....

I mean.....

White Willow: Nightside of Eden
(though likely to be replaced by an Ayreon song soon as I only just got The Final Experiment)
Bryant said:
I just made the Tesla post and I had to play "Changes" about four times in a row. That song is so cool yet strange.
Awesome song. Then again, of the 12 songs on that disc, all are phenomenal. It's without question, one of the great debuts of all-time.

Good thread :D

Heres a few that I cant get enough of ....... well ofcourse there is more than one!

Brainstorm - Under Lights ... From Metus Mortis
Manticora - Shadows with Tales to Tell ... From Darkness with Tales to Tell
Edguy - Superheros .... I really hated this at first ... so damn poppy ... now I cant get enough of it :lol: