So What's happening to the FLORIDA escene??


The L O N G E S T member
Aug 16, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Why is Symphony X touring The US coast to coast and can't even come to Florida?? You guys are really a big name here, how can I make you guys come??
I want to hear any comments of the ppl living here....
I have brought up this topic like a gamillion times man, I have just given up. Yes, I am from FL too. All you can do is call your local club and request them to invite SX to play. SX doesn't really have the choice to play somewhere unless a club offers to let them. I would, but even though there are many clubs around where I live, they are like dance clubs and whatnot. There is a particular small local night club here that has had Saliva play twice, not once, but twice. I of course hate Saliva and don't care, but I know how popular they are and it makes me mad because they would prob never want a band like SX to play there because they would rather have a more popular band like Saliva to bring in many people. So there has to be a big enough demand for a band like SX to play at a club here. I know there are a lot of clubs in the northeast and other big cities that are for like more underground type genres of music and that is probably why they book bands like SX even without a huge demand by people. Just wanted to let you know because it is VERY funny, that same club has had Vanilla Ice perform once or twice as is sooo funny!
im in Miami, Florida. Symphony X was supposed to come to Ft. Lauderdale last year with Blind Guardian, but X cancelled (grr still mad :p ). But yeah if any place here in FL. has a chance to bring X down here it would be either the Culture Room in Ft. Lauderdale or the Maquerade in Tampa. Well im gettting a petition signed or somerthing like that, maybe thatll work. :D
I don't understand this whole "the club has to invite you" deal. Unless you've played there before with great results, there is no booking agent in any club around this country who contacts lesser known bands to get them in their club. SymphonyX, as awesome as they are, doesn't have a following to warrant this type of recruitment. Therefore, the only way these guys are going to get into a club who doesn't know them is for their label/management to call these clubs and sell the band to them. All they have to do is show them the returns from previous tour dates and the club owners will let them play if they think it's worthwhile. Once they play there they might get invited back, but there is no way the clubs will be going out of their way to get SyX to play there.

Therefore, don't waste your time going to the club unless you have a large number of people backing you up who will attend the show. Then, maybe, you could convince the booking agent to contact SyX's management about having them come down there, but it's doubtful.
Well, I really hope you guys can pull something together and get SyX down there. I'm sure they will tour more broadly in the future as their fan base expands, so you'll get them eventually. :)
I can get like 10 people, Blind guardian show last time was awesome, But I was still dissapointed because X didn't play. I live at Ft. lauderdale, But I thing a venue in Tampa would be the best, cause it seems like it has a bigger scene and (i'm not quite sure) Kamelot, Iced Earth and CircleIICircle were "born" in Tampa. It would be Kickass to gather all these bands and make like a progfest.

What do you guys think about this??
scanner313 said:
I don't understand this whole "the club has to invite you" deal. Unless you've played there before with great results, there is no booking agent in any club around this country who contacts lesser known bands to get them in their club. SymphonyX, as awesome as they are, doesn't have a following to warrant this type of recruitment. Therefore, the only way these guys are going to get into a club who doesn't know them is for their label/management to call these clubs and sell the band to them. All they have to do is show them the returns from previous tour dates and the club owners will let them play if they think it's worthwhile. Once they play there they might get invited back, but there is no way the clubs will be going out of their way to get SyX to play there.

Therefore, don't waste your time going to the club unless you have a large number of people backing you up who will attend the show. Then, maybe, you could convince the booking agent to contact SyX's management about having them come down there, but it's doubtful.
Uh, that's not how it works, at least not for SymX. The booking agent puts out the word that the band plans to tour, & the venues let the agent know if they're interested; SymX is not "recruited" by their booking agent. Sometimes a venue may be interested, but their open dates don't fall into the tentative tour schedule that the agent starts out with (this is why there's no NorCal date this tour; the date they offered was at the start of the tour when the band was going to be on the East Coast, & as such, they had to pass on playing there), so there's no guarantee that there'll be a show even if a venue does offer the band a date. And for the record, management is in pretty much regular contact with the booking agent, there's no need to try to convince anyone to contact anyone else.
i am in miami too, and i would definately go anywhere in florida to see them live! i'll sign a petition for sure.

who wants to start one online?

we can send the petition to the email address at the Symphony X website and also to the different venues in our local areas. they are bound to play somewhere if we collaborate our efforts.
Hey i'll sign the petition too..:)

I might be in Ohio, but my hubby and I would (for sure) go to florida to see them. We have family down there, so it would give us a good excuse to visit (more) often.:cool::loco:
I can get someone. He went to the Guardian/Sym X show at the Culture Room, and liked Sym. You get it going, I'll send him the link. Hell, I'm originally from FL, I'll sign.