So what's your least favorite Theocracy song?


Dec 13, 2011
Theocracy has some awesome songs, but are there any that you don't like as much as the rest. Or maybe there's one you don't like at all. Post your least favorite song here.

For me, I'd say Writing In The Sand. It's not that I don't like it. It's just that compared to the other songs it doesn't stand up as well.
This is a dangerous new thread. You know that whatever anyone says here, someone else will fiercely disagree with.

Like me, for instance. I love The Writing in the Sand - I think it's a really well constructed song and the poetry just blows me away.

The Theocracy songs I like less than the rest would be Altar to the Unknown God and Light of the World even though they are excellent songs with great music and lyrics, and I wish I could write stuff that good! They just don't satisfy me like the rest.

Mirror of Souls took me ages to get into, mainly because I used to listen to the whole album in bed and always fall asleep during that epic title track...
For me, it's Prelude. I mean, 1:36? That's all you can muster for the 1st song on your 1st album? Fortunately, for it, it blends perfectly into Ichthus.
This thread just shows how much opinions can vary. "Writing In The Sand" gives me goosebumps everytime, especially during that last chorus. When I picture myself as one of those holding the stones and think of it in terms of a conversion moment after that personal encounter with Jesus, it makes me want to weep when Matt starts singing "weep upon the writings in the saaaand!"

If I had to pick a least favorite, I'd say "Nailed" just because the lyrics don't strike the same personal chord with me as the majority of the rest of their catalogue. That being said, I don't think Theocracy has put out any weak material.
So I agree with Parched Earth on The Writing in the Sand but completely disagree on Nailed, one of my favourite Theocracy songs.

I love a bit of history, especially when it's told with such powerful poetry, and the whip and hammer effects are awesome!:yow: I'd love to hear more songs like Nailed.

And hey, this is my 200th post - WOO HOO!!!
I happen to like writing in the sand a lot, but I can see how it wouldn't appeal to some people. I strongly disagree with FleshAndBloodTheocracy and JayArby though - I thought Sinner was one of the best songs on the S/T.

This is a tough choice for me. Honestly, I don't think they have any bad songs. If I really have to choose though I guess it would have to be Ichthus. It's a good song, but it's somewhat marred by the quality of the vocals. If I could only pick one song off the S/T for them to remake, it would be that one.
I love all their songs, i don't think i could pick a least favorite. Every song that you guys have picked i happen to really enjoy. Ichthus, Nailed, Bethlehem and Writing in the sand are high on my list but i guess it's mainly because i love the songs where Matt just takes a story and turns it into a true masterpiece. All four of thoughs songs give me chills when i listen to them and think about how these men must have felt during these times.

But then I raise my head and stare into the Son
Oh, then I feel my blood run cold
Eyes like the sharpest blade
That penetrate to the bottom of my soul *chills*
Eh....Hide in the Fairytale for me.

I can't listen to it without getting this eerie feel that there's an angry ogre breathing down my neck with a look of malice on his face.

(much love ;D)
I also thought "Sinner" was a great song. Perhaps you should give it another listen. :D

The original Theocracy album is still my favorite of the three. It sort of has a special meaning to me as I listened to it heavily while going through many family problems, and such in my high school years.

My least favorite song is probably "The Gift Of Music", It is good but a little sappy in the beginning.
I've gotta go with Thirty Pieces of Silver. Chorus annoys me something chronic, but am a huge fan of the band :)
I wasn't gonna post because I couldn't think of one but now that it comes up, I agree with 30 Pieces Of Silver. I just don't listen to it very often and I'd give it only a 9/10.
My least favorite song is probably "The Gift Of Music", It is good but a little sappy in the beginning.

I'm affraid I have to agree with dudu... The music is really good, but singing about singing? :guh: