so.. who are your favourite guitar players?

#1: Tony MacAlpine
#2: Steve Morse
#3: Rik Emmett

other would only act as fill-ins ;)

MJR, Craig Chaquico, Steve Lukather, Brad Gillis, Steve Stevens, Satch, Vinnie Moore, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai, Ken Tamplin, Gary Hoey, Tony Iommi, Blackmore, Ian Crichton, Earl Slick, Gary Moore...
In no real order

Jason Becker
Michael Angelo
Chris Malmstrom
Matthias Lange
Ola Frenning
Chuck Schuldiner
Randy Rhoads
Klas Ideberg
Peter Wichers

that's all i can remember for now
How the f_ck, can you guys be side stepping ...


One of the top hard rock / metal guitarists in the business.

Theres a TON of awesome guitarists out there, I mean TONS.

Heres a few other than all the obvious I love...

Natsu Ohta
Jeff Kollman
Chris Brooks
Stephan Lil
Rob Johnson
Gus G
:rolleyes: Hum... well...

This is not a order classification... just to put things straight...

1 - Michael Romeo
2 - James Hetfield
3 - Dimebag Darrel
4 - Yngwie Malmsteen
5 - André Ölbrich
6 - John Petrucci
7 - Steve Vai
8 - Joe "Satch" Satriani
9 - Hugo Mariutti (from the band Shaman)
10 - Kiko Loureiro (from the band Angra)

Well... I guess that's it, for now...
That changes from time to time. Right now my list would look something like this:

Allan Holdsworth
Greg Howe
Joey Tafolla
Michael Romeo
Fredrik Thordendal
Andy Timmons
John Petrucci
1. Arjen A. Lucassen
2. John Petrucci
3. Chris De Garmo & Michael Wilton
4. Micheal Romeo
5. Vinnie Moore
6. Brian May
7. Timo Rautiainen
8. Emppu Vuorinen

Can't really stand YJM much :p
Seems like I'm the only one who think Mattias I.A Eklundh is awesome guitarist. :D Satriani, Steve Vai, Van Halen....

Jani Liimatainen absolutely is the most promising of the young guitarists. Someday he'll be as famous and good as Vai etc. :D