So... who did you miss from 2009?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
It's six months after the time most people create their Top XX lists of the year. It seems every year I discover a release or two from the previous year that would have made my Top XX list, had I discovered the CD sooner. For me, I missed...

Persefone Shin-Ken. Would have definitely made my Top 20. Excellent ProgMetal.

God Dethroned Passiondale. After catching them live as one of Overkill's openers, I rediscovered this band. Passiondale sits on the fence between Melodic Death and Black Metal, with songs and riffs that stick in your head.

Who did you miss in 2009?
I wouldn't say that I completely missed, but these are a few albums that I should have given a few more listens, and they would likely end up on the top list:

Delain - April Rain
Tyr - By The Light of the Northern Star
Persefone - Shin-Ken (By the way, Zod, you're welcome. :lol: )
I missed that Persefone too. I'm still missing it right now! Heard nothing but positive about it.


Enjoy. Yes, there are growls in most songs. Yes, it gets heavy. Still, it will kick your ass.

Keep in mind I specifically posted two songs that are very different. Still, it's not nearly enough to describe this album. It barely touches the surface.
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Well, I guess I'm gonna be Johnny Dissenter here but after picking up the Persefone, based on the recommendations here, and listening to it 6 or 7 times, it has done nothing for me. I just didn't think it was all that great and will probably just go up on the shelf. Perhaps I'll pull it out again in a month or 2 and listen to it again.

Differnt strokes/differnt folks/yada yada.

Persefone seems kinda Bi-polar to me, one track sounds like Circus Maximus the other sounds like Dark Tranquility, I liked both, but just curious which one does the rest of the album sound like?
TENET - Sovereign
I picked it up based on Claus' recommendation and it kicks ass. Good to hear Steve Souza's growl again! Also, Gene Hoglan is on drums!

Also, I finally checked out Mastodon's 'Crack The Skye' from the library since everyone loved it so much. While I can understand the appeal, it's not really my cup of (metal) tea.
Persefone seems kinda Bi-polar to me, one track sounds like Circus Maximus the other sounds like Dark Tranquility, I liked both, but just curious which one does the rest of the album sound like?

This is what I originally posted when I discovered this a few months ago:

AngraRULES said:
I usually will not go out and review an album that I like and post it on the forum, but I really feel like I had to do it with this one. I finally had a chance to check out Persefone’s new album, Shin-Ken. To those unfamiliar with the band, they’re from the small country of Andorra, in Europe, and they’re part of the Intromental family. Thank you Claus, if I hadn’t seen this on the Intromental website, I would’ve never ever checked this band out.

This album talks about old Japanese war/battle stories. I can only think of Samurais and Ninjas, to tell you the truth. Interesting enough, considering I can’t think of any bands who have touched on this subject in the past.

Now the music… Ahhh, the music. Persefone has been described of Progressive Death Metal, or even Progressive Black Metal, but wait a second. Power and Prog fans, don’t get discouraged. It goes WAY beyond this. This sounds fresh (at least to me) like nothing else has in a really long time. The songs are very well structured, showcasing technicality and feeling, beautiful melodies and hate-filled heavy passages that it’s just hard to describe. Every song has a lot of different sonic layers, which makes this quite an experience. Atmospheric, heavy, modern, intricate, emotional, beautiful, evil… depending on the moment of the album. Oh yeah, let’s not forget a little bit of Japanese ethnic music in there too. I put this on and literally didn't move until the whole album finished. It was worth EVERY second.

I have tried to think of bands that this band reminds me of, and I could cite so many, yet this is so different than any of them. I hear Mercenary, Riverside, Dream Theater, Opeth, some Power Metal, Black Metal and much much more. It's a bit edgier than what most around here like, but it's so worth trying.

Great musicianship that would make the most established power/prog bands feel ashamed, superb melodies, fantastic production, stunning artwork... Holy son of a bitch, this album is so good it's ridiculous!!!
Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome

This is a masterpiece. If I had heard it last year, it would have been my #1 for the year. I am absolutely in love with it, been listening all week on repeat.
Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome

This is a masterpiece. If I had heard it last year, it would have been my #1 for the year. I am absolutely in love with it, been listening all week on repeat.

This. As well as New Moon by Swallow the Sun. Haven't had the chance to purchase and fully ingest Shin-Ken. It's on my list though.
Hey General I am big fan of Passiondale as well. The funny thing is I don't like the preceding GD disks at all apart from Ravenous which I also love cause it's very catchy. Passiondale has awesome atmosphere and I wouldn't call it black metal at all personally. It's dark and mysterious at times but it flows damn well and has some amazing melodic and groovy passages which actually make you feel like you are in the trenches and about to go over the top to your doom.
Hey General I am big fan of Passiondale as well. The funny thing is I don't like the preceding GD disks at all apart from Ravenous which I also love cause it's very catchy. Passiondale has awesome atmosphere and I wouldn't call it black metal at all personally. It's dark and mysterious at times but it flows damn well and has some amazing melodic and groovy passages which actually make you feel like you are in the trenches and about to go over the top to your doom.

I agree with you on Passiondale. Very solid record overall. As for the other God Dethroned records, the only one I truly didn't care for was The Toxic Touch. I don't know, just different I guess. The Lair of the White Worm, however, kicked my ass hard!
I didn't like Lair or Toxic much. They are ok but not killers for me. I loved Ravenous the one before like I said with songs like Villa Vampiria and the title track to nail it home. At least we agree on Passiondale which i think might be their best disk. BTW the lead singer of the band Henri is a very affable fellow and quite a deep individual judging by interviews I've read with him. He's sort of moved the band slowly away from just the anti-religion stance which of course culminated in Passiondale.
Henri Sattler is also one of the tallest men in metal. Holy shit that man is a giant.

Passiondale was my #1 last year, and might be my second or third GD favorite GD album as well. Though I've liked every album GD have put out, my personal favorite is Bloody Blasphemy. Passiondale is definitely their 'Blackest' sounding release since Bloody Blasphemy, I'd dare say due in no small part to the return of Roel Sanders on drums. It's really the perfect blend of old and new God Dethroned, since from Ravenous on they became less Black and incorporated more melody with each release, but on Passiondale they really managed to bring both sides together and put out a fantastic album.
I guess I didn't answer the General's question before, but I would have to say it was Evile's Infected Nations. I didn't care all that much for it, liking their debut better, but I popped it in the other day and it's kicking my butt now! Great disc!