So, who has that bloody DVD ??

Looking at releasedates on onlineshops is pretty useless really.
This is what Les wrote in the guestbook:

Posted on: Friday December 10, 2004
Contact: Les

we'd just like to apologise to everyone for the big delay with the release of the dvd.since music for nations were taken over and then closed down by BMG we've been in a state of limbo.BMG themselves are at the moment in the process of being merged with sony so chaos still rules.Unfortunately anathema are insiginificant to these corporate fucks and it is proving extremely difficult to get any meaningfull information from any quarter, and even harder to find anyone in these organisations who actually knows whats happening.We are more frustrated than anybody about the situation but I'm working hard to get the situation rectified and to ensure that we can't be fucked over again.thanks for yuour patience .

So i guess noone knows whats going on.
thedeadwing said:
As it seems, January (2005 hopefully :grin: ) is the new date... That's what the guy at the online store mailed me today... A neverending story has begun...
"jau, auch ich habe gestern die info bekommen, dass die dvd erst mal auf januar verschoben ist...dann hoffen wir mal, dass sie sich nicht noch sehr oft mehr doch echt ärgerlich sowas."

Irgendwie schon. Habe mich andererseits schon fast ans Warten gewöhnt. Wie sagt man so schön?! - Geduld ist eine Tugend... :Smug:
snow2fall said:
"jau, auch ich habe gestern die info bekommen, dass die dvd erst mal auf januar verschoben ist...dann hoffen wir mal, dass sie sich nicht noch sehr oft mehr doch echt ärgerlich sowas."

Irgendwie schon. Habe mich andererseits schon fast ans Warten gewöhnt. Wie sagt man so schön?! - Geduld ist eine Tugend... :Smug:

Ich hätts mir untern Weihnachtsbaum gelegt, insofern wär ich vor dem 24. Dezember eh nicht in den Genuss der DVD gekommen. Immerhin ist ja nächste Woche der Akustikauftritt von Vinny und Danny in Wien, das entschädigt zumindest einigermaßen die (verlängerte) Warterei, oder? :Spin:

Sorry, my laziness for replying in english... :grin:
The band doesn't have a clue when it'll be out, do you think any online stores have? Do yourselves a favour and worry about sth worthwile, like the lack of televised football matches in Denmark today. And that on a hangoverless sunday moreover.
my dying groom said:
zey've no manners, zem austrians :bah:

Sure, we have :rolleyes: hehe DVD~! DVD~! Deeeeveeeeeedeeeee!!! :yell: :p

I didn't know that the band has no clue about that all, since it was confirmed for November 15th on their website. So I thought it is all on good authority now... But to think about things means not to know. Who cares, release it and we're all happy!?!
looks like The End records in the states will have copies for sale for you americans interested. Probably not the only source, but they are worth supporting over amazon.
Does anyboby know if Danny'sTribute album to Nick Drake is going to be on the selves of stores or we can only order it through strange light records site?
DragonLady1 said:

peace, fellow austrian teuton!

i don't understand ANYTHING at all...I just received a message from the french shop Dysphorie-Paris, they're gonna receive the DVD thursday, that is in 2 days..on amazon ,it's available now within 2 weeks, on it WILL be available next year...who should we believe ???:erk:
opethmaniac said:
i don't understand ANYTHING at all...I just received a message from the french shop Dysphorie-Paris, they're gonna receive the DVD thursday, that is in 2 days..on amazon ,it's available now within 2 weeks, on it WILL be available next year...who should we believe ???:erk:

I don't know who's telling the truth but if Dysphorie really receives the DVD on thursday, could you please let us know?
I was at England this past week and went to London on Saturday to HMV to buy-as I thought- the dvd. The guy there checked at the pc for stock,orders etc and I saw that they had received 1 only copie which was sold ( if possible from what I read from you now guys) and also it was ordered at 9/12 another copie-only one! - which will arrive at the store in about a week as the employee said.

So I returned to Greece with empty hands...great...
Hi everybody. I got the DVD today from a local shop here in Italy for the price of 20 euros.
It arrived today and they seem to have plenty. Even though the box states that there is a booklet inside designe by travis smith, there is no booklet. This applies for all the dvds the shop has-