So who listens to UM Radio?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I listen when ever I know I'm going to be at the computer for a while. Mark has even proposed that staff members can have an hour time-slot every day. I'm sure you can guess what my hour will be.

I'll let you know when I get some songs ready.
Listening to UM Radio probably requires decent internet speed and speed is not something my internet service has. Besides every time I look at the "Now Playing" its basically just a repetition of the same 15 or so songs over and over...
I'll report the comments about live365 to Mark. I don't know much about that stuff. I've only had DSL a few months, so I haven't exactly been into the whole internet radio thing.
I don't really do internet radio, and most of the UM songs I've seen so far I already have on CD. I'll keep an eye on it while at home when the list grows, but Internet radio is our only no-no at work since it sucks up bandwidth. :)