So, who saw 28 Days Later??


It's somewhere between brilliant piece of art, and total piece of crapola. No really, it's quite good - but it isn't a terrifying tale of plagued out zombies of the apocalypse. It is more of a drama of the human condition and how the characters handle the apocalypse. It does have a real foreboding ambience, just a very grim feeling that death is the fait accompli, but it never really terrifies. I think I know how Charlie felt when he said he walked away feeling like it was missing something, although he liked it. A lot of people in the theatre were booing when it was over. I wasn't among them - I did like it, but it wasn't what they advertised per se, and I think a lot of people are going in expecting a different movie than what they are getting.
Went in expecting total zombie chaos, not murderous disease. Total gyp. If it weren't labled as such, I would've liked it WAY better. I guess no one will ever top DAWN OF THE DEAD. Resident Evil had potential, but they fucked that one up too. It's still a guilty pleasure though, I have it on "dvdv" as my young 'un would say...
tattooedsean666 said:
I wouldn't know what one is advertising as I know of horror or somewhat horror movies thru research way in advance. I have been talking about this at for awhile. i laugh at people that just know something by the trailors and that decides if they should go or not.
:Smug: Oh, so you've never seen a trailor and thought "hey I wanna see that!" Hmmmm, :Spin:
TD said:
Wrong Turn was better!? That's bold :loco: A better "horror" film maybe, but overall I don't think I can say that.
As far ad me being entertained, I think Wrong Turn was better, do I think Danny Boyle has a better understanding of film and is a superior director to Rob Schmidt yes. Trainspotting is brillant and Shallow Grave is a good movie as well. But I think wrong turn succedes on more levels as a horror movie than 28 Day Later.
I guess I was disappointed with Wrong Turn, because I felt everything it needed to succeed was there, but it just fell in to all the shitty cliches of the modern horror genre. But me, hell, I went and saw it because when I heard "hot chicks being chased down by inbred West Virginian cannibals" I thought "now that's a concept!!!"
TD said:
:Smug: Oh, so you've never seen a trailor and thought "hey I wanna see that!" Hmmmm, :Spin:

Unfortunately, the movie people know they have to create long trailors as they have to compete for your money amongst many movies but I try to not watch them. Either they show you too much or might mislead you as this might have done to some of you.
I say buyer beware. This reminds me of them showing Interview with a vampire to an Oprah audience and they were so shocked. They couldn't believe that Their Tommy could play in such an evil movie. All I could think was "what did you expect? It was a vampire movie."
There is the occasional movie that might pull me in but I have been a movie fanatic since the late seventies. I am a fanatic of various styles of movies-horror being near the top and I just know of them way in advance to any trailor coming out.
28 days later is an excellent film. Forget any hype and forget any other horror film you've seen. This one is different.

It starts with an excellent near-silent scene. To anyone who knows London, this is excellent stuff. The fast zombies are brilliant. The whole thing just feels realistic - the use of digital cameras adds that grainy look that adds to the effect. The references to the rest of the zombie genre are excellent.

I have to admit after the first time I saw this film I was parked in a carpark in the dark for an hour or so after the film( it came out last winter here) and I half expected an "infected" to come jumping through the back window of my car.

I love this film. See it. But it. Live it. 28 days later is a worthy successor to Romero's classic trilogy.
Nope. I wouldn't go that far there buddy... Only Romero himself could come out w/ anything worthy of that status. It was good though. I just don't think it should've been labeled as a zombie movie.

Now, I shall be flamed by yourself and sean prolly....
Anyhoo, all this zombie talks got me in the mood to watch the good ole american classic " RETURN of the LIVING DEAD" that chick who was zombified in that movie had a damn fine rack of hoots. God love her.
I wont flame you... Its not anywhere as good as Dawn... or Day.. but its bloody good, its fast zombies and its fun.

Seeing some of the busiest roads on the planet empty was breathtaking and excellent....