so, who wants to see Tookie get nuked?

cthulufhtagn said:
When did I indicate that wasn't my position as well? Did what I say about his acts since his incarceration indicate IN ANY WAY an approval of his criminal actions? Is it that wrong to propose that maybe he's actually (god forbid) helping the community? No, it is fucking not. Perhaps, contrary to your standard "bla bla bla hollywood bla bla I'm functionally retarded" retort, I'm suggesting that DESPITE his heinous crimes he still has something to offer, regardless of his motives.

Perhaps I need to restate:

Hold on here ASSHOLE!!!!!! My post to Nad last night had nothing, ok, NOTHING to do with anything you said. Telling him he has a consistent position had ZERO to do with saying that you didn't, or that you approved of his criminal actions in any shape or form. I know you weren't condoning the violent acts.

cthuluFAGn said:
I'm only going to say this one time, so listen up you fucking douchebag:
Don't you ever put words in my mouth again.

First off, to say I did that is ludicrous because I too believe that giving him clemency but letting him remain in prison is not justice in this case. THAT's what I believe and that's what I was conveying jackass.

And just what words were you saying I put in your mouth???? Re-read what I wrote. Geez.

cthuluFAGn said:
Just another tough-guy asshole trying to pick a fight. Go jack off to Rambo.

Yeah, I was trying to pick a fight, not give my opinion. Go save Mumia from death row or something. He needs your support.
today's SHITTODO.txt

- Find avi to mpeg shit for markgugs
- Post boobs for Dark One
- Study
- Do bullshit makework lab crap for microcrapfest
- Yousendshitz funny Xmas music to people
- Get more funny christmas shitz from cousing

yay for .txt files.
markgugs said:
Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Nate just said he hasn't seen the other episodes yet.

Why don't you just tell him what happens all through season 2 and save him the trouble of actually watching it? :loco:

Lol, if thats true I only ruined the next 1-2 episodes.:grin:
I don't think our state or any other state ('state' refering to government) is competent to make the decision that someone should die. That's simply not a power it is capable of fulfilling in a responsible way. States are not impartial moral entities with the capacity to make that kind of judgement. Their foremost concern is to perpetuate themselves, not to deal out sound justice. Thus, I think the death penalty is a horrible idea. Now, whether or not he deserves to die is another matter entirely, and very different from the question of whether or not the state should have the power to kill him.