so who's without power?

buckethead mentions him on a song...oh but i remember playing with the bastard. actually he was my brother's, but i enjoyed pulling his eye out
i lost power at like 4pm yesterday and got it back around 9:30pm. and it went out again today at about 11am. and came back on around 2pm

and its apparently supposed to happen again and again and so on due to rolling blackouts and such. it was actually pretty cool. it was really interesting....very different.
Ecstatic Youth said:
and its apparently supposed to happen again and again and so on due to rolling blackouts and such. it was actually pretty cool. it was really interesting....very different.
That's nuts. I used to work for the power company down in Cinci, and it was always interesting when the company would do rolling blackouts. Very fun to listen to the reps field those calls... "No, you paid your bill. Your account is fine. No, we're just having to reduce usage in certain parts of the city so the whole thing doesn't blow apart. You have a good day, too, sir." Sheesh.
Wolftribe said:
I pitty the fool who doesn't like Dimmu
same here, except that instead of pity, i savagely murder the fool who doesnt like dimmu...(planing a trip to visit a certain teenager in SF bwahahwh2hqhahah)
neal said:
same here, except that instead of pity, i savagely murder the fool who doesnt like dimmu...(planing a trip to visit a certain teenager in SF bwahahwh2hqhahah)
Now, see, there's a tactic that will increase the proportional fan base. I like it. It's got a certain Spanish Inquisition feel to it, but with a name like Dimmu, who could resist??? Say it with me, "Dimmu, Dimmu, Dimmu...." now, everyone, "Borgir, Borgir, Borgir..."

Damn, that's fun. Must dig through CDs and find DCA, agian. Dimmu -- almost as fun to say as, "Espen Knutsen."
ct_thrash said:
dsm? lizard? retarded penguin?:erk:

lost power around 4 something in the afternoon. got it back around 9am. at first it was exciting. i also enjoyed the peace and quiet when i got home. then it got hot. then i got pissed at the mayor, who lied. on the radio around 6pm he said power would be on by night time. then said it would be on in a couple of hours. then he went home! none of the fucking buses worked, everything was disorganized. cops were sitting in groups chatting, while a couple of blocks away civilians directed traffic. and the fucking mayor went home! which proves he's useless.

then i smelled gas, and so did my neighbors. the gas company came and fiddled around all over the place. with candles burning in the area, it wasn't that much fun. then radio said parts of the city had power back, but didn't say which parts. so i figured they lied, just like about when the power would go on.

today i saw on tv my mayor, my governor, the mayor of cleavland, the mayor of detroit, and the mayor of toronto all say the same thing: "there were no incidents in our city, unlike the other places that had blackouts." basically thanking the herd for not misbehaving, and inducing pride. but what are these "other places" they're talking about? i wanted to throw up at this point.

i always thought canada was a separate country. now i see we share electricity. must be great for national security. speaking of which, if this were an act of terrorism i doubt they'd tell us because of all the "work" they put in to keep us safer.

and what i found really funny today--on CNN they described how the power plants shut done. at least one was a nuclear power plant that shut down because it didn't get enough electricity! the plant relied on outside power!