Why does everyone pick on Sexy Alexi 94?

Sexi Alexi 94 said:
Thank you! :)

although it doesn't really bother me when people pick on me.

dont worry, im not going to change my avatar, that is, unless i find a better pic of alexi :lol:

p.s. is that chris broderick in your avatar, haha, that's a funny picture! he looks like he could be a pro wrestler with those arms too!

Ahahah - Yes it's Chris B. You're not the only one with obsessions. I might have shrunk his head a bit (just cause his biceps are way bigger than his ego).


Here's a nice photo for ya:

I don't really mind Sexi Alexi, I can easily pass by posts without feeling the need to badmouth the dude (or chick).

Alexi Laiho, though....eh.