Rant: Dear stupid faggot morons (the reason why new CoB sucks cock FAQ)

bobvex said:
Yeah, and i agree with that. I can't stand the people that either bash OR praise the album in excess. I don't care whether these people like it or not. we are not the authority on their musical tastes.
yeah.we shouldn't do either:praise or bash.if some considere that aydy isn't as good as the others then i say they should explain why:this isn't good ,that could've been better...maybe thay can open the eyes of the ones that have them closed,and ,fuck, maybe the band will give a shit about the fans' opinion and do smth to change things to the better.
Peti said:
There's only one thing I can't understand:
Is COB a one-man band? And is it Alexi Laiho?
What the fuck?

He's tge master...he used to be a "prodigy" :Puke: AND a dictator but is now just a dictator.
Ever since I was a young boy,
I've played the silver ball.
From Soho down to Brighton,
I must have played them all.
But I ain't seen nothing like him,
In any amusement hall.
That deaf, dumb and blind kid...
Sure plays a mean pinball

panzer , you made a nice thread for a change, its something that did happen FOR A WHILE AROUND HERE

*g* i didn't think to find so many asses to fuck with thanks to you :lol:

p.s. ...asses to fuck with.. yes! i mean you! and you will defiantly find out about it soon, ...ya stupid cunt
PanzerKunt said:
Q: "FFS!! withouwt progression they are gono fuckin' became boring anywhey! Alexi!!1 <3" -That one first stupid idiot again. Probably some stupid fanboi like Lanterns

If you ask me all four prior releases to AYDY are all pretty unique and stand out from one another, all the while still sounding like Bodom. I've had ppl offer this point to me in regards to me expressing my dissapointment about AYDY... but its not like Bodom was ever a band that just kept repeating itself... I am a fan of all four releases prior to AYDY, Something Wild being very very very much different than HCDR... So this argument is stupid... it has nothing to do with my not liking it because its different at all or a matter or progressing. They have always managed to progress and bring something new to the table without it being horrible... So to anyone that wants to insist on using this should really think about the facts... AYDY irregardless of if anyone dislikes it soley based on the fact that it's "different" is still a bad album.
Insilden_The Shred said:
Ever since I was a young boy,
I've played the silver ball.
From Soho down to Brighton,
I must have played them all.
But I ain't seen nothing like him,
In any amusement hall.
That deaf, dumb and blind kid...
Sure plays a mean pinball


He stands like a statue
Becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers
Always playing clean
He plays by intuition
The digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
living_d34d_b34t said:
stop crying....COB isn't "untrue" or a sellout....as far as i can remember they have always kicked ass....so back off.....ninjas are for fags..:yuk:

-Unhallowed- said:
I have read Gavin's thread in the off-topic forum, and I agree with it, but seriously, GET A FUCKING LIFE

Firen said:
why can't people understand different people have different tastes...

all you do by posting your face on the internet and saying its better than Are You Dead Yet? is make your self look foolish.

Really man, stop calling people fags for liking something (COB or Alexi) you dont like. Thanks


Kirurgisti said:
Wow, the hatred. Can't say I like those newcomers who always write new threads about how they love new CoB...but every time I see posts by this guy who made this thread, he's always either dissing new CoB or fanboys, and every "old" member seems to encourage to do things like this. This is maybe the most pathetic board I have seen, but not because of the fanboys.

Cecchini said:
Threads like these are why people think that message board geeks never get laid.

Seriously, what do any of you want to accomplish by this? Your not going to change each others thinking, your not going to do anything but just type more about something that annoys you. You are all going to love or hate the album today, bitch about it back and forth on this board, go to bed still loving or hating the album, wake up and continue the same crap the next day.

Oh well, do whatever you want, its your life.

Either way, you could spend more time getting laid and less time praising or bashing AYDY.

Laihoistheman2 said:
Neither is this thread.

People like the new album, you dont, tough shit. That doesn't mean you go making a shitty thread about how the fanboys need to get a clue. I hate fanboys myself but i dont go bashing there opinions I ignore them like a big boy. Its's the people that like the band just because they think alexi is hot that piss me off. But making a thread for people that like the music? thats just stupid.

I personally dont think it's as good as there old stuff (Follow The Reaper is my Favorite) but it's not bad either. Every album they've put out has been solid INCLUDING Are You Dead Yet?

And my username was a Typo so dont try to use that against me.

Grimes said:
PanzerKunt = Tool

Warheart2 said:
u guys are pathetic....

Profanity said:
Pick any one of his 31,000 posts

This is a comprehensive list of the biggest troll motherfucking cunts that lurk on these boards, make note of these fucktards as they are, without a doubt the biggest set of dicks known to the human race. Good night and god bless.
In Your Face said:
I definitely agree with this. Nicely said.

How the fuck can you agree with that....your nickname is ''In your face'' :erk:

The fact that my name is after a nirvana song has nothing to do with it, if youre thinking of using that as an argument.