CoB only in it for the money?

UPDATE: I've got that zine, bought it in Antwerp. And while Alexi indeed said that
LedByTheReaper said:
if they stop selling as many CDs they'll just stop bodom
-like he said many times before, btw;)- he did NOT say they were
LedByTheReaper said:
changing their sound in AYDY just to sell more CDs
Nick Brookes said:
fan boys the lot of you

In theory, if there was a Nick Brookes Fan Boi, would this be a good thing or a bad thing? Fan Boi... But a Nick Fan Boi... a paradox of epic proportions.

I think the world would end. Or at the very least someones head would explode.
well think about it being in a band is a career if your not making money how are you going to pay rent and food and booze
all alexi does is drink now. i remeber him saying that they didnt have lyrics for like 5 songs so he sat in his apartment with wiskey smd wrote. now we kno where " i dont give a flyin fuck motherfucker" came from
Of course they want money, they need to make a living, but let's be honest, there's no reason for a band to "de-evolve" so obviously AYDY was made with the intent of breaking into the American audience.
Meh. What else does he have to turn on? Sinergy isn't that big anyway. I think its dumb that he'd end the band just becuase it's not making as much money as he wants it too. What do the other guys who spend all their time working and playing shows have to say in it? Alexi's decision would put 4 others out of a job. I think Alexi needs to learn how to run a business if he's going to put that as a top priority.
What alexi sais seems perfectly logical to me... if it does not sell, something must be rong... so wtf you want him to do? continue a non selling band?

by the way how is AYDY album selling compared to the other albums anybody know? please no BS thumb sucking.