CoB only in it for the money?

-Gavin- said:
you poseur.

I can name countless bands i know personally that do it for the passion and love of metal.

And money is merely a good addition.

Then again, think of it this way; most musicians (no, not Alexi) have normal day jobs which they have to take a leave from while touring or playing wherever, and most often than not it's a payless leave. Now of course they do it happily but that won't pay the bills and fill their stomachs. Love of metal if a beautiful ideal, but unless you have some helluva rich parents to fund your little hobby you cannot give charity gigs till the end of times.
Of course you can have a successful life without money, but in a band, money is success.

If you can tell me one major metal band that repeatedly held FREE concerts, I'll shut up.