CoB only in it for the money?


Bombing up Mid
Nov 30, 2004
Maidenhead, England
Was reading Januarys issue of Metal Hammer (bought it for the huge dimebag article and the bodom article) and in the Cob one Alexi mentions about how that they're changing their sound in AYDY just to sell more CDs no matter how many and if they stop selling as many CDs they'll just stop bodom.. I mean qwtf.. Alexi needs a slap and I mgiht just give him one at Wacken.
There could be a good reason why they went so downhill with AYDY...but I doubt it.
Somewhere back in time Alexi said that if they start to sell fewer and fewer CDs than before, they'll stop CoB. But it had nothing to do with AYDY.
so here we go, now we have the proof for that action with AYDY
Jesse- said:
Somewhere back in time Alexi said that if they start to sell fewer and fewer CDs than before, they'll stop CoB. But it had nothing to do with AYDY.
Yep, they said that often...

And yes, someone scan the interview or type out Allu's EXACT statement, k-thx.