I have all the CoB lyrics on my site now


Nov 24, 2001
New Brunswick, Canada
Hey there... I updated the lyrics on my site again. I guess most of you don't know who I am so I'll try and get you up to speed: before shitty CoB lyrics swamped the net, I slaved away in silence (well, in loud CoB music, I guess) to transcribe accurate and SENSIBLE lyrics (yeah you'd think that'd be obvious but it really, really isn't to most of the transcribers out there, apprently). So, the latest are done... btw I lied, I don't have ALL... I've got most of Sixpounder, most of the Nail, and most of Bodom Beach Terror done (but not all)... besides those three I have essentially -all- the lyrics to CoB songs, and yes, they make perfect sense. Some of them are slightly confusing, like Wrath Within, because it deals with split personalities/personification of anger, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Thanks to everyone who's helped me through the years, ESP. that guy (forget his name, sorry) who e-mailed me the outlines for the Nail, Wrath Within and other really difficult songs oh so long ago...

I'm gonna upload new versions of my midis soon too, if you care to check them out. I can't guarentee they'll sound right on your system, I have an unusual midi card.
@spellbound: it's good to see that some ppl checked them out. Those ones up there are so old, tho, I can't wait to upload new ones. I forgot that they were even up until I checked my page...

@rappion: Heya. Heh, yeah, the good ol' days. Hard to say how long it's been... almost immediately after I started listening to CoB, when I started using the msg board there, I saw some ppl's ideas and started transcribing my own ideas down. I made the site pretty soon after that, so I guess it's been there a coupla years. Kissing the Shadows was one of the first three songs I ever heard, so I know Follow the Reaper was already out.

@malli: Yeah, I remember you. You can use them again if you like.