I've got all the CoB lyrics on my site now


Nov 24, 2001
New Brunswick, Canada
Hey there... I updated the lyrics on my site again. I guess most of you don't know who I am so I'll try and get you up to speed: before shitty CoB lyrics swamped the net, I slaved away in silence (well, in loud CoB music, I guess) to transcribe accurate and SENSIBLE lyrics (yeah you'd think that'd be obvious but it really, really isn't to most of the transcribers out there, apprently). So, the latest are done... btw I lied, I don't have ALL... I've got most of Sixpounder, most of the Nail, and most of Bodom Beach Terror done (but not all)... besides those three I have essentially -all- the lyrics to CoB songs, and yes, they make perfect sense. Some of them are slightly confusing, like Wrath Within, because it deals with split personalities/personification of anger, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. :wave: Thanks to everyone who's helped me through the years, ESP. that guy (forget his name, sorry) who e-mailed me the outlines for the Nail, Wrath Within and other really difficult songs oh so long ago... :headbang:

I'm gonna upload new versions of my midis soon too, if you care to check them out. I can't guarentee they'll sound right on your system, I have an unusual midi card.
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You have definitely the best transcriptions I have ever seen but nevertheless I don't think the lyrics are that interesting since Alexi didn't pay attention that much to them.. after all he pretty much used / uses his vocals just as an instrument.
I wholeheartedly agree, but nevertheless, Alexi is thinking about lyrics more and more and CoB is pretty much just as vocal-oriented as guitar and keyboard now. I bet next album the vocals will be even more prominent. Besides, I hate listening to music wihtout being able to understand what they are saying. :) Thanks, btw.
Alexi said that he already wrote a lot of lyrics which suprised himself because he usually writes them in a short time. For example Needled 24/7 had no real lyrics when they played it in Wacken 2002 and the next day they went into the studio to record Hate Crew Deathroll. Although the vocals were recorded later, Alexi didn't had too much time for it. Now it's different and maybe there will be lyrics for all songs in the next booklet.

> I don't think the lyrics are that interesting since Alexi didn't pay attention that much to
> them.. after all he pretty much used / uses his vocals just as an instrument.

reminds me of that australian death metal band, their lyrics were simply grocery lists!!!!!

"two dozen eggs and a bag of bread gwaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh cat food fuckin kraft dinner extra cheese mayonnaise yeaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwgggggggggghhh!!!!!!!!"

delt said:

> I don't think the lyrics are that interesting since Alexi didn't pay attention that much to
> them.. after all he pretty much used / uses his vocals just as an instrument.

reminds me of that australian death metal band, their lyrics were simply grocery lists!!!!!

"two dozen eggs and a bag of bread gwaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh cat food fuckin kraft dinner extra cheese mayonnaise yeaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwgggggggggghhh!!!!!!!!"

:lol: That reminds me of a friend of mine who is in a death metal band. They recorded their first song and the lyrics were simply reading from the back of a Colgate toothpaste tube in death metal voice hahaa.
eternal_nightmare213 said:
you can all the lyrics for all the children of bodom songs at "Darklyrics.com"

Uuuuh, um yeah, you -could-... I'll just say one thing: "THE WRECKING VOICE STAIN MIRROR!" :p

Spread the word, everyone... every time somebody tells me that darklyrics has the lyrics I want to shoot myself because they're so fucking awful. It sounds like they wrote down the very first thigns that popped into their heads, even if it didn't make ANY sense at all.
Ugh, ppl, pleeease tell ppl to go to my site, I can't fucking stand these guys telling me with a straight face that sites like darkfuckinglyrics have the right lyrics!

eternal_nightmare213 said:
everytime ive gotten lyrics from there theyve been pretty fuckin accurate. unlike yours.

Funny, cause most (like all) of the lyrics on there (before HCD) are MY old lyrics, with tiny modifications, which I've now see have many, many mistakes. Therefore, I updated mine, and Darklyrics never did. Heh, believe what you want, when you're listening to ppl like Alexi the words can be twisted sooo much, a lot of things he says could go either way, so you just have to use logic (from darklyrics, THE NAIL: "Never let the best shot come from fucking Avalon, that`s the one" that's what I used to think he said a looooong time ago, and they took it and put it up, now I'm almost positive he says "Never let the beast show in front of fucking everyone, that's the way"... hmm, which makes more sense? Really, whatever line you think it is, you'll hear if it's close enough... ah the perils of transcribing lyrics).

<sigh> About HCD lyrics: THE WRECKING VOICE STAIN MIRROR (from Sixpounder, he actually clearly says: the breaking point's getting nearer) Now tell me what the fuck makes more sense. Another example, from YBOD:

Hey, would you like me to dare,
so that I know why I stop
and the only one step right
and it's raining flesh of death.

-right- (at least it's closer than that shit)
Hey, would you love me to death
To where no one has gone
You're the only one for me
In this weak flesh and blood

See how fucking awful most ppl are at transcribing?