Whalers "ram" morons

The last I heard Sea Shepperd sails under the Dutch flag... Don't ask why though.. Stupid government here...

I do agree that whaling needs to stop.. But the means by which the SS is trying to get Japan to stop.. I don't think that will ever help.. Throwing some stinky stuff on the boat.. well woohoo we are badass...
But I don't think the Japanese are very honest either.. Them saying it's only for scientific purposes.. yeah right..

Anyway.. Southpark made an episode about it..


I'm not sure if you guys can see it cause it's the dutch southpark site.. But the episode is awesome!!
I also saw that they used the Norwegian flag to trick the whalers into thinking they were friendly.

I want to shoot these people.
I kinda agree with Muffin. Activists need to fuck off! It's not gonna help in this case at all. In Finland we got the dumbasses setting minks free from their farms. Then the born-in-captivity animals go around killing what they find and then die themselves.

What good did they do? They did more damage than good. The minks died, the farmers economy got a blow, they killed a whole lot of them and they are up for court if they are caught.

So, fuck activists! They don't really think ahead either. I don't approve of killing or anything like that. Just saying, these fuckers don't think before they act.

That being said, killing whales is wrong.
killing whales is wrong.

Why is killing a whale for food any different to killing thousands of chickens for food?

I mean yes of course, if whales are becoming extinct because of it then whaling needs to be restricted. That's exactly what's happening with Cod over here in Britain, we over fished our Cod and now the level of Cod in our seas is getting very low, so the government have placed restrictions on Cod fishing. But activists aren't going around saying "OMG ITS WRONG TO KILL COD".

Essentially I'm just saying I think it's ridiculous how many people only say that "it's wrong" to kill the animals that they like, while at the same time eating cows and chickens all the time.
Why is killing a whale for food any different to killing thousands of chickens for food?

I mean yes of course, if whales are becoming extinct because of it then whaling needs to be restricted. That's exactly what's happening with Cod over here in Britain, we over fished our Cod and now the level of Cod in our seas is getting very low, so the government have placed restrictions on Cod fishing. But activists aren't going around saying "OMG ITS WRONG TO KILL COD".

Essentially I'm just saying I think it's ridiculous how many people only say that "it's wrong" to kill the animals that they like, while at the same time eating cows and chickens all the time.

It does feel wrong when I think about it. About ANY animal actually. Still I eat them, maybe because I just like meat too goddamn much. I'm not only saying this validate my opinion either. Still because of the extinction threat it's more wrong because if we have to prioritize to stop with some animal slaughter right now, the whales are one of the species that top the list.
Why is killing a whale for food any different to killing thousands of chickens for food?

I mean yes of course, if whales are becoming extinct because of it then whaling needs to be restricted. That's exactly what's happening with Cod over here in Britain, we over fished our Cod and now the level of Cod in our seas is getting very low, so the government have placed restrictions on Cod fishing. But activists aren't going around saying "OMG ITS WRONG TO KILL COD".

Essentially I'm just saying I think it's ridiculous how many people only say that "it's wrong" to kill the animals that they like, while at the same time eating cows and chickens all the time.

Well, to ME it's because whales are smart. As smart as a chimp or a dolphin.

And chickens can live without their heads. That's how smart they are.