Whalers "ram" morons

It certainly is your right to think so. See, I'm more of the 'chaotic good' type. If it does good, it's good, no matter what established laws say... you gotta bend rules sometimes

I see your point in this, but i guess i'm more lawful good :lol:

That's certainly a more compelling argument. But it would be dishonest of the japanese government to held new-zealand's government (with whom they're holding negotiations) accountable for an act of one of their citizens. There are criminals everywhere.

Yeah you're right, we'll see what happens with the negotiations, Japan haven't released a word about today's incident affecting those negotiations, but they definitely think that the SS people ran in front of their boat on purpose(and i haven't seen a compelling argument about them not doing that either, but that's an other story)
Haha, i figured, i didn't really expect a lot of people sharing my point of view, but i honestly thought women poster would be the ones being the strongest opposition :lol:
we're all girls here

Because you're pansies, amirite?...


It's actually difficult for girls to have a well-defined 'side' in an argument... most of the time they tend to take a temperate stance, even if they feel strongly about a subject.

Reaction images are such a better way to communicate in.

The world should have more reaction images

As much as I think whaling should be stopped, I don't think that violent actions are the answer. I get more pissed off at the activists in situations like this...

I don't go around shooting bad drivers, despite the fact that they put my life and others' in danger, and are doing something "BAD". So how can the activists' behaviour be acceptable? Where is the line drawn on vigilantism (not sure if that's the right word but you get the idea...)?

edit:shit, sorry guys I broke it XD
"Victims of unprovoked aggression" my ass.
They were clearly going right for the ship.
What made them think it was possible for their small boat to stop a giant ship?
I don't think they went for it to stop the ship, either they tried deliberately to get hit in order to cause a ruckus, or the navigator of the ship fucking failed completely. Either way there are clear maritime laws on how to conduct yourself in ship sizes and passing each other, small ships should ALWAYS move away in favor of the larger ship, simply because they have a vastly higher maneuverability, not to mention that they have a bigger overview of whats going on.
But it's no surprise if they did this on purpose, it's not the first time.
^It could theoretically have basically been an accident...there are actually a fair number of accidental ship collisions in any given year, and if the anti-whalers were hanging around being douches and getting in the way they probably weren't communicating properly with the whaling ship, which would have been standard procedure for ships moving close to each other.
Theoretically accidents happen all the time on the sea, but considering the amount of PR they'd gain from a stunt like this, I bet they'd be loony enough to risk having a try at it(but they might not have wanted the result they got, maybe they got more than they begged for).
But they HAVE been playing chicken like this for years now, driving in front of the whaling ships and dashing out in the last minute. Anything they can do to disrupt their day. Also i doubt communications between the vessels aren't very professional, from either side really.