WTF is with these stupid counting threads

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Stop This Nonsense!!!
Are you people really that fuckin bored, that you have to sit around all day on the computer counting down from a million and up to a 1000. Go fly a kite, or walk your dog, get drunk, go pick up members of the opposite sex, watch a movie, play guitar, talk to your friends, run in a circle on the ground like Homer Simpson, I dont give a shit, but stop this stupid shit, and keep it off our fucking forum. Your wasting UM's webspace, others' time, and your money. This idea is stupid and it needs to be completely rethought.

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bobvex said:
Are you people really that fuckin bored, that you have to sit around all day on the computer counting down from a million and up to a 1000. Go fly a kite, or walk your dog, get drunk, go pick up members of the opposite sex, watch a movie, play guitar, talk to your friends, run in a circle on the ground like Homer Simpson, I dont give a shit, but stop this stupid shit, and keep it off our fucking forum. Your wasting UM's webspace, others' time, and your money. This idea is stupid and it needs to be completely rethought.
Wonderfully said man, wonderfully said.
You know, there ARE things to do in life.. but he insists on wasting his and everyone else's time.. I can't understand it..
thats not the solution though, needled. the solution is to get rid of them, eradicat them, they are a pest, like a parasite. I don't even like looking at the titles of these threads. And I dont mean you Needled when I'm talking abut these threads, but Steve in particular. He is a jackass and he want the Officiality of this forum to fail and for it to become dumb again. That is what I dont like.

@ steve: george carlin does a piece of material about people like you, it's called "People who oughta be killed." You simple minded prick.
This is enough 'discussion' about this.
It'll now be history
No more mutual hostilities about this matter.
No more whining about your post counts.

Go back to posting in the usual threads. Enjoy. Be a 4 yr. old, be stupid, be a jackass, be a prick.. knock yourself out..
But make it funny and/or entertaining! Never undoubtedly annoying or offensive.
Utter-bullshit threads will be terminated on sight.
Instigative behavior and premeditated aggravation on this scale will not be tolerated.

Let's have some fucking civility and at least try to create a comfortable environment here.. I know we all can, it is not difficult!
I hope we all understand. Now I'm going to close this and go have some Frosted Flakes
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