Goaddamn! Wtf Is Up With This Country?!??!

No, the fact that organised religion brainwashes its followers into handing out CASH.

Oh, and the whole child sex, hypocrisy, holier-than-thou attitude and the absolute bollocks that is the bible.


See the sheep, "Hello sheep!"

Thats why i believe everything in the BIBLE and nothing else you would be suprised how much shit catholics indocrinate into their religion that is not christian plus if u wanna get really brutal
Christmas, Easter and MANY other religions are not in the bible they are actually holidays to worship the sun god and the goddess of firtility
put that in the crack pipe and smoke it hahahaha

Catholisism is CRAZY!
so are many other religions that CLAIM to be christian but im not going into that HAHA
yes i know that:) what i meant was that although originally the holiday we all know as Christmas was set to the date for a pagan one celebrated by the Romans to honor Saturn, the god of the harvest, and Mithras, the god of light, it doesn't mean that it is still meant to honor them today. both holidays fall upon the same day, but that does not mean that they share the same meaning per se. the word "Christmas" is derived from an early English phrase "Cristes maesse", and it means "Mass of Christ". not "Mass of Mithras" or "Mass of Saturn".
bodomite said:
dont fuck religion
just fuck closed minded stupid assholes who think they are right no matter what!
Im a christian but i enjoy learning about other religions and such... such as paganism and wicca... I have learned many intresting things from many ppl because im OPEN MINDED....... some ppl just need to fucking get over themseleves and realize you may think your right but it doesnt mean u have to force it on others by trying to convert others or kill them

man, that is exactly how I feel about being open minded and being a christian... represent bodomite :tickled:
but organized religion... hmmm... i would say that any organized religion builds their own walls up around themselves, separating themselves from the rest of the world... i think that can be hurtful; especially in the case of the terrorists.
Religious discussions are boring and lead nowhere. I don´t think there is right or wrong, since every side is the "right" one. Killing people is not nice, of course... but blaming this group or that doesn´t help either. But what could help anyway...?
Another mosque today....this shit normaly doesn't happen here...they even discovered a terrorist-bootcamp somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere....anyway...these are just some stupid assholes who fail to see that not every muslim/catholic/forein/native is trying to kill them.
Extremism has nothing to do with religion...it's just used as an excuse, and then the entire religion is frowned upon.
And the Christmas-tree is very much pagan...like the Easter-bunny :p and Santa Clause...but i don't mind...
I wasn't pointing fingers at any religion or race. Just at extreme retardedness. Fucking cuntblowers.
HalfpintHenkka said:
what do you mean, there's something wrong with the philosophy?

Yeah the fact that of the matter is that some religions do seem tend to worship money. This been raised as well. I mean I don't see the point that the catholic church is still one of the most riches... well... its filthy rich still i don't know what i shoul call it... institute?... i mean the whole thing of the pope being decended from... was it peter...(not really a religous person as you can gather) and all that... Anyway what i was trying to say say... and I know this is generalizing... is that most orgnaized religions tend to be very narrow minded and conservative... meaning that they like to cling to the old ways and don't care about the new progresses... sometimes unjustly condemming them... I'm not saying that every new progress is good or bad... I'm just saying that for example the whole abortion thing with the catholic church or the treatment of women in some die-hard islamic nations is a bit out-dated or just seems very generalizing... like when someone's raped and she is pregnated aswell... its still wrong to abort the pregnacy... go figure... Or the fact that because someone is a woman she cannot do something...

I'm not really sure if i'm making any sense. I'm drunk, tired and I'm rambling... but from my point point of view I feel that religin should be somewhat individual... if that makes sense...

bodomite said:
Thats why i believe everything in the BIBLE and nothing else you would be suprised how much shit catholics indocrinate into their religion that is not christian plus if u wanna get really brutal
I still would say that the bible is too easy to misuse... it can be interpatated in so many ways no one can be really sure what somethings mean... don't really trust the bible... other religions use it as a source though but they still don't see jesus as g.o.d.s son... makes me wonder...(i'm seriously a sceptic...)

The whole holiday thing is bizarre as well... I can understand that the christians change the date of celebrating jesus's birth so that there sacred day wouldn't be completely wiped out of history during the barbarian rule period or whatever... But why wouldn't they leave some record of the real birthday of christ???(Makes me wonder...)

Ok too much talking not enough booze...(I shouldn't log on when drunk... takes up too much space)

edit: i'm with heavenscent in the opinion that extremism has or should not have nothing to do with religion... unfortunately i'd say that it may not be an excuse but that some people really (unfortunately) feel that there duty is to enforce a certain religion... which can lead to certain ugly "demonstrations" of their faith... (hope that's clear... still drunk)
Yeah, the Netherlands are quite fucked up these days.

It has become a cat and mouse game. A mosque down, a church down, aso.
It just doesn´t stop! :erk:

It seems our idyllic country isn´t that moderate. Suddenly everywhere extremist show up to provoke and to molest everything they don´t like

the problem is; How do we stop this violent circle we ended in?
And how do we get rid of the extremist? :err:
I´m not religious myself, and I don´t care if others are or not... As long as they don´t go around killing people because they think they should for some weird religious reason.

But it´s not just the Netherlands. This whole thing between the USA and Asia turns the extremist muslims against the Christian people... and vice versa
and you europeans bitch about how intolerant americans are, haha.

i second infernium's comment.
bodomite said:
Thats why i believe everything in the BIBLE and nothing else
are you a fundamentalist?

bodomite said:
you would be suprised how much shit catholics indocrinate into their religion that is not christian plus if u wanna get really brutal
Christmas, Easter and MANY other religions are not in the bible they are actually holidays to worship the sun god and the goddess of firtility
put that in the crack pipe and smoke it hahahaha
ok i'm going to ignore that you said that xmas and easter are religions because i am sure thats just a typo, but i dont see what the big deal is about those holidays, it's what happens when two different cultures meet - the germanic tribes had their Yule with their burning yule log and with the influence of christianity it was changed to a celebration of the birth of christ, but we still have the xmas tree which comes from the yule log tradition. it's just a mix of two different cultures, the nordic peoples adapted their customs to xtianity when they converted/were forced to convert. then it became the standard, imagine that.
i went to a jesuit catholic highschool, and it taught me one thing.......how to dislike catholics. it was 4 years of the biggest shitfest one could ever imagine. especially once the whole boston arch diocese began to collapse with the scandal and how much bullshit they tried to stuff in our ears.....now, had my cousin not been one of the front runners in the lawsuits against the diocese and cardinal law, i probably would have taken what was told to me in school more to heart (though i was never really catholic in my eyes.) instead i learned to criticize, and critique everything that was hurled at me, and i was able to shoot questions and comments back to my teachers that forced them to refrain from speaking for a moment from continuing the onslaught of propaganda that they had been told to recite. and in the moment that they paused, im willing to bet some of them knew that what i was saying had a morsel of truth to it, and thats all i needed