Wtf is up with churches in the US?


Mar 20, 2002
Visit site
I was browsing the AVID site looking for information on the Venue systems and came across this video about that church that has like 5 or 6 AVID consoles. Not only for live sound but always an Icon for recording! :OMG:

I mean wtf, I don't think churches around here have anything more than small rackmixers to get their 1-3 microphones to the PA.

So, why do US churches need that kind of stuff and more importantly: how do they pay for it?? :loco:
Donations from church members, and they are Non-profit organizations. The money they take in must be re-invested into the church.

Also the places you are seeing are the BIG HUGE worshiping halls. They aren't really churches in the traditional sense. They are HUGE 5000+ seat venues with 3000 to 4000 people who come in every Sunday.

Take a look at this:

That first shot is how many people show up to his services EVERY SUNDAY!

These arent little mom and pop churches. They are HUGE convention / sports halls during the week that on Sunday become places of worship.

EDIT: Oh they get Grants from the government as well :)
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That shit smells like loads of cash. Anyone wanna start a church with me? 40% for me, 40% for the partner and 20% into common booze.

Dude Olsteen is THE biggest money maker in the world when it comes to this stuff. He brings in MILLIONS of dollars every Sunday. Not only that these are televised to almost 2 million viewers every week who make additional donations over the phone.

The central and souther US are really fucked up in the head when it comes to this shit. they have been convinced by these evangelistic pricks that you must give dontations every week or you will go to hell. I have heard of families not able to feed their children cause they give 80% of their check to the church.
Alright, that's it, I'm off founding my own church. It will be called the church of sound, service will take place everyday but Sunday (a man needs to rest every once in a while), instead of a choir I'll have Pink Floyd and most importantly it shall have the best sound system in the whole universe. You are free to follow me.

Jason, I've heard of these big halls but I don't really get how that works. Over here you're either a member some religion or you aren't. In case you are you may attend church service or not. But to me it seems like in the US you have to be a member of a certain church (and pay for that membership) if you want to attend their services.
Haha, Jarkko beat me to it. Ok, let's team up for this! :)

Also, I wanted to add that stuff in the video is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever heard in my life.
Jason, I've heard of these big halls but I don't really get how that works. Over here you're either a member some religion or you aren't. In case you are you may attend church service or not. But to me it seems like in the US you have to be a member of a certain church (and pay for that membership) if you want to attend their services.

The Osteen tickets weekly sell between $50 and $200 a seat. He actually travels from town to town like a big "concert" and brings his "house of worship" to the people. He has what is called a "non denominational Christian" house of worship. He caters to all by sticking to the basics and not going into much detail. He basically just caters to all the "Christians" and dude let me tell you there are some CRAZY fucking Christians out there.

He has sold out the Toyota Center in Houston TX more times then anyone (other then the basketball team that plays there), which holds 19,000 people for "concert" style events. So you go and do the math and tell me how much this guys is raking in weekly just from ticket sales.

Just for reference look at this:

And finally ... Some more into of Osteen:
my church has 2x ICON (DCONTROL)... 1 VENUE (DSHOW) and a stage built by meyer sound... there are roughly 1,500 people in our congregation. about half of those people (including myself) donate roughly $5,000/year to the church activities committee.

that's over $3 million/year.

saddleback church of california has about 20,000 people in it's congregation and roughly half of them actively donate around $10,000/year.

if you haven't calculated that yet... it's about $100 million

it's all non-profit so most of the donations pay for the activities and facilities... but most churches have a tithing foundation where the money can help families in need (kind of like the mormon church).

not everyone donates at my church but everyone benefits from the wealth of it.

imagine churches as being like a larger scaled group guy! :)
The Osteen tickets weekly sell between $50 and $200 a seat. He actually travels from town to town like a big "concert" and brings his "house of worship" to the people. He has what is called a "non denominational Christian" house of worship. He caters to all by sticking to the basics and not going into much detail. He basically just caters to all the "Christians" and dude let me tell you there are some CRAZY fucking Christians out there.

He has sold out the Toyota Center in Houston TX more times then anyone (other then the basketball team that plays there), which holds 19,000 people for "concert" style events. So you go and do the math and tell me how much this guys is raking in weekly just from ticket sales.

Just for reference look at this:

And finally ... Some more into of Osteen:

I cannot stand Joel Osteen. He isn't someone that a lot of Christians really like because he is all about money and how you can get rich if you give them lot's of money. Unfortunately, that isn't in the bible. You can get rich, but it isn't always in the form of material possessions. I hate that he is really a motivational speaker that is taking people's money.

Also, not all churches have a church membership. Unfortunately, these big churches can make it seem like you have to pay money to go there, but that isn't the case. There are a lot of churches that go about it in a much better way to those that cheerfully want to give so that they can use the money to serve the community around them. It's a shame that so many churches spend so much money on sound systems when there are homeless people down the street. Hopefully I can help change how backwards that is (I'm going to be a come the flames...)
I've read the Wikipedia article already but I haven't gotten the concept quite yet. So this guy isn't really priest but just some guy with good rhetoric that travels the states and talks about God for an hour and a half or whatever? I also recon there are various kinds of Christians in the wider sense in the US, am I right? This guy Osteen caters to all of them I guess?

Tim, maybe you can give me some first hand information: Why do you need three consoles of the size/prize? I mean I can see FOH and monitors if the venues are that big and there are actual musical performances. But the third one?
And yeah, Saddleback church is the one from the video I saw. They even have a studio goddammit!

Jarkko, I don't care what you wanna call it. Let's just do it!
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Guitar Guy, lets not turn this into a He Said / She Said. Plain and simple the reason why MOST Christians hate Osteen is he has a HUGE congregation and he makes SHITLOADS of money. They are all just jealous little bitches.

For me personally I say FUCK ORGANIZED RELIGION! Its all about money and "oh look how big my dick is" syndrome. Quality is rarely the thing they strive for its all about quantity and getting as many people as they can to follow in their path. The unfortunate part is the "following the path" = GIVE ME MONEY!

Personally I follow a path full of western and pagan religions. I take the pieces that fit MY life and put them into one big melting pot. Some Christianity, some Catholicism, some Paganism, some Taoism, Confusionism, Buddhism and roll it all up into tone thing I call my BELIEFS.

Now lets get back on topic and stop debating religion / he said / she said.

Organized religion is just another BIG BUSINESS thats all about making money.
Tim, maybe you can give me some first hand information: Why do you need three consoles of the size/prize? I mean I can see FOH and monitors if the venues are that big and there are actual musical performances. But the third one?

They have musical performances, look at the lighting dude. Its a Christian Concert with a sermon in the middle.

GOD FORBID the Pagan's or the Satanist's tried to organize something of this scale. The US armed forces would be out there full scale!
Oh here are some examples of WHY they need that gear:



This is all Osteen
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