Wtf is up with churches in the US?

The Bible has been interpreted 100's of thousands of different ways, because you have to apply your own subjective opinion to pick and choose what you want to believe from it.

This is the part I always love. I find it funny that a lot if not most Christians/Catholics choose which parts to believe in and ignore/leave out the parts they don't like or agree with. For example, the bible says being gay is not only wrong but actually says "do not lie with a man as you would a woman, for it is an abomination" and then goes on to say that is the direct word of god (so you can't "interpret" it in the slightest), but there are many that say they are for gay rights and all this herp derp, and when you bring up to subject the bible saying its an abomination and a sin to be gay they come out with something along the line of, "Oh, the bible says its wrong, but I "believe" that everyone should have equal rights" or "All parts of the bible are open to interpretation". Oh so you are saying to don't agree with the word of god? Well the bible says if you disagree with god, you're going to hell.
Wrong. If you don't follow the words of Mel Fucking Gibson you will go to hell.

You see you have not spent enough time looking for secret messages from god in the Escape from Thunder-dome movie. If you did you would find that science will never explain away the holy powers of Mel Gibson since Mel created everything. And everything includes science so:

Mel Gibson > all thought.
I honestly can't imagine what Aaron could say here. He is obviously outnumbered. I get his frustration concerning this topic. He is, by all accounts, on this forum, a respectable person but yet, outspoken, in the minority.

I get it. I'm an outspoken Atheist and usually get outnumbered by theist. It can be quite a challenge and most of the time, tiresome, fruitless.

Aaron, you be you, by all means. I don't hate Christians, I don't hate in general. I simply have an issue with unprovable things which I define as delusional.

Life is hard, all the questions in our reality aren't answered, much less understood but I love life the same.

So to you I say, "Live on brother, I do have an underlying respect regardless of your faith"

Cheers! :kickass: