Wtf is up with churches in the US?

Probably the vih spread. ;p

hahah, compared to the religious who tell gems like "exclusive of homos and prostitutes", "no need for condom: vih will go through the pores of latex, anyway", "condom is not moral", etc, last centuries scientists are like oracles of knowledge. lol

Religions have always been very afraid of the knowledge.
hahah, compared to the religious who tell gems like "exclusive of homos and prostitutes", "no need for condom: vih will go through the pores of latex, anyway", "condom is not moral", etc, last centuries scientists are like oracles of knowledge. lol

Religions have always been very afraid of the knowledge.

I thought you'd made an accidental typo - it's HIV, not VIH.
In what terms are exactly scientists wrong?

Read up on Piltdown man. Science fucks up, and to the point where the Geological Society of London buys into it and places this kind of scientific bullshit on display in a museum.

You seem to forget that scientists are human beings. If you think that the scientific community doesn't get "motivated" (hey lets just look at the space race for instance) to find out certain facts then your not paying enough attention to what's going on.

And no I'm not a creationist, I'm just don't have the mentality (all the time anyway) "see science! It has to always be fact!"

And how is a dog from a wolf anything more than generations of breeding? Is a Savannah house cat the same deal (evolution)?
Nice one, SocialNumb. Really there's never been a need to bring the scientific method into these discussions. It's a simple matter of connecting the dots to see what a vile mark on human history organized religion has had, and continues to have.
Read up on Piltdown man. Science fucks up, and to the point where the Geological Society of London buys into it and places this kind of scientific bullshit on display in a museum.

You seem to forget that scientists are human beings. If you think that the scientific community doesn't get "motivated" (hey lets just look at the space race for instance) to find out certain facts then your not paying enough attention to what's going on.

And no I'm not a creationist, I'm just don't have the mentality (all the time anyway) "see science! It has to always be fact!"

And how is a dog from a wolf anything more than generations of breeding? Is a Savannah house cat the same deal (evolution)?

Precisely because they "fuck up" (I prefer the terms trial-error as the main scientific maxim), they are allowed to have opinions: they are not close-minded about the truth unlike religious are. It's a dynamic process in which the lack of religious flexibility has nothing to do. I'm not saying we have to blindly trust everything they say but look at the evidences and judge by ourselves once we know a little about.

About the Piltdown man, ok, this reaffirms my theory that we have to trust scientists, as they were scientists the ones who revealed this particular fraud. Scientists are continuously searching the truth in other scientists works. And what about the other dozens of ancestors and religious keep saying it's not true?

About the cat, it reasserts my point of view again. We can create new breeds, that's proof of the capacity of evolution either by crossings or mutations: that's evolution of species.

Summarizing, science is the continuous search for truth by empiric facts. Don't know what's wrong with that but I know why religious leaders are so afraid of them.
El Gato you completely misread what i was saying.

I was responding the earlier post which said that god created Evolution.

And I did not say "science is wrong", i was basically saying what loren said in his post.
I was comparing the fact that while religion maintains that it is right beyond any doubt.
Science as a whole is basically, "this is what we think is happening", that science is open to being critically pragmatic as it does not claim to be the truth beyond all truths.
El Gato you completely misread what i was saying.

I was responding the earlier post which said that god created Evolution.

And I did not say "science is wrong", i was basically saying what loren said in his post.
I was comparing the fact that while religion maintains that it is right beyond any doubt.
Science as a whole is basically, "this is what we think is happening", that science is open to being critically pragmatic as it does not claim to be the truth beyond all truths.

Sorry for that, I got you now.

Anyway, in case god created evolution, why is it still denied by religions?

I'm not saying science in infallible, I just say there a million facts proved by science, reasoning, empirical facts, whtever you may name it. These facts are facts. Then again: Why are they still denied by religions? And even more important, why are they still denied by religions with no proof at all?

Oh this reminds me of the great episode of Futurama, 6x09 "A clockwork origin" :lol:
As far as Genesis is concerned, there are many, many Christians (today and throughout history) who have come to the realization that the natural process by which the creation of the universe and life in it occurred was not specified in the Bible, and that it could have very easily occurred by an evolutionary process set in motion by God.

El Gato /\

They don't deny It, they just say that god did it
El Gato /

They don't deny It, they just say that god did it

Don't know what religion claims that but you mean just like christians say Adam and Eve were the first humans, right? or is it a tale not to be taken into account? because, and I repeat myself, IT IS STILL BEING TAUGHT

Don't know which religion accepts evolution, can you name one? But in case they do, why have they been denying it for centuries? just food for thought, but you can still believe in what church tells you, even without any evidence at all.
I few of the 35000+ versions of Christianity accept Evolution. One group that outright denies it is a group called "Creationist". They're a bit more literal about the Bible. "Creotards" is better description IMO.
No my point in that story (and yeah it was set straight finally, but it took a long ass time) the scientific community just went along with this hack jobs bullshit because of how much they wanted this bogus missing link to be found in a certain location.

In other words this thing was peer reviewed and they wanted it to be real (based on beliefs) so bad that they let the hoax go for a little over 40 years before someone said "hey this is bullshit."

Prime example of just straight up science failure.
:lol: This all assumes "God" exist. There is no serious discussion to be had about "God". If there is one at all, and you can't show there is, you and I don't know a darn thing about "Him".

I would LOVE to hear how you possibly could have come to such an enlightened state of mind so as to boldly proclaim that there is no such thing as a serious question about God, or that no one in the world could possibly know a darn thing about Him.

Sure you can read out that failure which is The Bible and interpret it any way you want but so could I, negatively.

That seems to be a big difference between you and I- our motivations. You're telling me that you would choose to interpret the Bible negatively, whereas I've chosen to take an honest continuing look at it, over years and years of my life, with no preconceived notions of what I want the Bible to say. If the Bible does contain timeless truths inspired by God (if you can entertain that thought for at least a few seconds), then you can never expect for it to make sense if your heart is hardened towards it.

I actually take the bible literalist more seriously. At least this person doesn't make shit up.

It is true that a Christian needs to be careful that they don't "make shit up", but there is, at times, more to the Bible than just a literal surface reading. An honest, unbiased study and interpretation will take this into account.

At the end of the day, for me, there is nothing after death, for you, that diseases people call faith.

Another difference between you and I, is that my position is safe. The quality of my life has in no way suffered due to my Christian walk, and in fact I massively believe my life (and the lives of many others I've encountered) to be immeasurably enriched because of it. And when I die, I have assurance.

I can't possibly see how you can tell me that my faith is as a disease...

And as always, nothing personal taken :kickass:
Yes, I blame many religious associations and organized religions in general on many many matters worth to be discussed as the OT in this case.

But now we are offff topic, please answer this question for me, religious people.

According to christian, jewish and muslim beliefs, Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, more precisely, they "were put" on earth the 6th day by the god Yahweh Elohim (Allah for muslims). And Eve was created from an Adam's bone (not the rib). Are you saying you stand by the religious point of view or do you admit that it's a myth so there was an evolution? And beyond that, wouldn't that mean the end of the official religious basis like the Bible and the Coran automatically because that means that god didn't create us?

I can tell you, the Christian Church admits evolution now.

Now the question for you.

Will it keep changing along with scientific facts (from flat earth to evolution)? What's the point of official religions when their basis are constantly refuted?
This thread is easily the most derailed thread on the whole interwebz! :lol:

I don't suppose that anyone gives a shit at this point but I'm going to tell nonetheless, haha: I'll be attending a workshop on a Venue SC48 tomorrow. That's the reason why I came across that whole Mega church thing in the first place. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.