80 people dead because of this shit...

Religion itslef is not bad,the followers are. I red the Satanic bible by Anton LaVey,that book really had many ideas that i was already supporting,before i red the book. Anyway i found one of my classmates religious and i pissed him off by singing Aeon -god gives head in heaven xD
not everyone who follows religion is bad
holy fucking hell you are the most closed minded hypocrites ever
don't want to be religious because of the shit you think they cause when your starting shit for no reason
yeah, this makes sense :rolleyes:
anyone who kills over their religion clearly aren't about "religion" or their God but probably about money, but SOME of us are truly religious and follow what we believe because it gives us peace or something to hold on to
If you want to live arrogantly and put down things you don't believe in I suggest you get actual facts first

First of all I am NOT saying that all religious people are murderous jerkoffs, my entire family is religious (Muslims as well! OMG) and I fucking love my family.

HOWEVER, religion is a controlling tool, and it DOES tell people to kill disbelievers to control the status quo. Whilst your solidarity to your faith in a reasonable way is admirable (in a slightly retarded sense I guess), I recommend YOU get some proper info yourself, and maybe leave religion and think for yourself about what YOU truly do and don't believe, be it a God or not. Even if you think there is a God or creator of some kind (which is perfectly possible), don't let some organisation tell you what to believe and how to live.

Also protip: suicide bombers wanting money does not a sense make.

It's not like I hate the guys from Turkey, they have done nothing, but it's their damn goverment that sends people to tell the other muslim people here - that it's bad to live with "christians", I mean once you come and see it then you will know. I feel bad for those people, cause they believe all the crap those politicians tell em, and they kill in the name of their "god" even tho nowhere in the Koran it says to do that kinda shit. Like I said before, it's all about the politic views, they can tell em that they're gonna get 72 virgins if they kill people that are not from the same religion (for example), and those people will go like "WOAH RLY?" and kill in the name of the so called "god". Just like sheeps they need to look up to someone and follow. Tell me a good reason why should people be religious?

Oh and btw, this time I have brought this with me.

1.Turkey, as muslim countries go, is liberal as fuck. They make their own moonshine ffs, and besides this happened in Pakiland
2. Quran does say to kill adulterers, pagans, infidels etc. many times inside. Get proper information before saying shit.

Your flame shield fails to protect your shitty misinformed arguments.

Joe... people have the need to do what is expressed in books... why do you think the Kama Sutra was written?

Stop talking about Religion, any and all religious debate has already happened about 9001 fucking times on this forum and I highly doubt that any of you can bring any revolutionary new viewpoints to the table. So please, shut the fuck up.

Also: SteveMcSteve is wrong.

Also: Predatorblablaba you need to shut the fuck up too, your opinion is not only wholly underdeveloped but completely uninteresting, a similar viewpoint could be explained so much better by anyone else. Christ you don't think people have already heard the standard fucking "religion is badlololol" shit before?
Now that you mention religion you guys really should look at this video:

If suddenly you met a beautiful woman, she tells that she loves you, and you start having sex with her. In the middle of the action i walk in and say: "you have just been punk'd, she doesn't really loves you". Would you keep having sex even thou she doesn't love you? or you would get pissed and leave?

the point is, church is evil, hypocrite, pedophile and stuff. But why the fuck would you question a regular joe's faith? What good it does to say to a person: "wen you die you're going to rot in the soil, while maggots eat your corpse". Why the fuck i would try to spoil another man's happiness?

-but vikk, they are blind, they should know the truth
People trying to convince other that god doesn't exist, are just annoying as the one trying to convince that he exist. There is no absolute truth, if you think the believes you've gathered until now, are the top notch of thinking and understanding, you're gay.

-but vikk, religion is the root of all evil
no it's not, fanaticism is the root of all evil, i have dealt with all kind of religious people, and it's possible for them to co-exist in the same place.

tldr: yes, i mad. And i might be wrong